266 (GVA) O.P. Bty R.A. (V)
First World War Commemoration Events
1965 Reunion
1965 was the 50th Anniversary of Embarkation to France 1915 of 240 Brigade and there was a reunion at the Artillery Ground Officers Mess.

WWI Embarkation Reunion in 1965
Lieutenant Colonel Harold Essex Lewis is second from left and Major C. S. Harvey is on the far right. Other people at the reunion were Bertie Silk. Fred Whertley, and John Jenner.
Old Stiffs Armistice Luncheons & Dinners
The Old Stiffs were officers who had served in WWI. Each year, near Armistice Day, 11 November, they would hold a lucheon or dinner in rememberance of their comrades. The >Daily Telegraph of Friday, November 12, 1971 announced that:
The 52nd annual Armistice dinner of the Old Stiffs' Mess (Officers, 1914-18 War) was held last night at the Constitutional Club. Bristol. Lt-Col C. H. R. Gee presided and Major-Gen T. H. Jameson. R.M. was the guest of honour.
In 1978, the Old Stiffs' president was Captain Hallam Trapnell, The Gloucestershire Regiment (T.F.). The guest of honour at their reunion on 10 November was Captain H. J. Orr Ewing M.C. of the Royal Army Medical Corps.

Old Stiffs Armistice Luncheons menu

Old Stiffs Armistice Luncheons menu
The text on the menu reads:
P. J. Banks, Esq. The Gloucester Regiment.
Major B. Long, M.C. Royal Engineers.
S. C. Sutton Esq., Royal Artillery.
R. G. B. Quick, Esq., Royal Artillery.
Captain W. S. Scammell C.B.E. M.C., The Worcester Regiment.
W. E. Wheatley, Esq., 0.B.E. J.P. R.N.V.R.
Brigadier A. L. Newth. C.B.E., D.S.0., M.C., T.D., D.L., J.P.
D. N. Tricks, Esq., The Leicestershire Regt.
Commissioned 3 Aug 1914. Mobilised 10 Aug 1914. Rouen General Hospital then to Angers and Boulogne A.S.0. 1/c 12 Officers and 30 OR. Jan 1915 M.O. to lst S.W.B. 3 Bde of lst Division. 1915 Neuve Chapelle, Loos. M.C. 1916 Hospital Rouen
Aug 1914, Commissioned 4th Gloucester. March 1915, France with 48th Division. 1916, Battle of the Somme. 1917, Vimy Ridge. Divisional Gas Officer 48th Division. Commandant XIX Corps Gas School. 1918, Chemical Advisor XIX Corps. 1920-25, Company Commander, 4th Gloucesters, 1938-1939, Intelligence Staff Regional Commissioner, West of England Observer Corps. 1944, Attached American Army H.Q. Liaison Officer.
WWI Centenary Events
Between 2015 and 2019, 266 Bty commemorated the passing of a century of the service of Bristol Gunners in the First World War. Events were held on the 100th anniversary of events of significance to the Bristol Gunners in that war at the same locations as the events originally occurred.
Sunday 29 March 2015 - A church service at the garrison church (Saint Alban the Martyr) at The Royal School of Artillery, Larkhill, Wiltshire, followed by a visit to the docks at Southampton and lunch. On 29 March 1915, the Bristol Gunners embarked for France and begun their overseas service.
Friday 31 July 2015, Arras, France - a visit to the area where the Bristol Gunners fought in the Battle of the Somme followed by dinner in Arras. On July 31 1915, the Bristol Gunners went into the line at Hebuterne, taking over the line from French Army forces. They were to remain there for twelve months, preparing for and fighting throughout the Battle of the Somme.
September 2016, Somme, France - In 1916, during the height of the Battle of the Somme, Captain Arthur Edward Stone was killed in action. Arthur Stone had been a Bristol Gunner since 1896, he had volunteered for service in the Boer Wars, and was employed as Personal Private Secretary to Sir George White who was a prominent Bristol businessman. Sir George White started the company that became the Bristol Airplane Company. Arthur Stone was the longest serving Bristol Gunner to die in the First World War. The event visited the principal sites where the Bristol Gunners served in the Battle.
Friday March 18, 2017, Peronne, France. On this day 100 years before the Bristol Gunners entered the town of Peronne as they pursued the retreating German army as they withdrew to the Hindenburg Line. Battery members visited the battlefields.
Wednesday 9 August 2017, Ypres, Belgium. On this day in 1917, Major Chester William Todd, DSO, was killed in action leading the Bristol Gunners during the Battle of Passchendaele. Chester Todd was a much loved and respected commander. The Battery members visited the battlefield to the east of Ypres, and attended the Last Post ceremony at The Menin Gate.
Friday 15 June 2018, Asiago, Italy. The Bristol Gunners played a major part in defeating the Austrian attack in the Asiago plateau during the Battle of the Solstice in 1918.
April 2019, Bristol The last draft of Bristol Gunners returned to the city as the British Amy completed its demobilisation. Battery members attended a dinner to reflect on the time.
The events in Belgium, France, and Italy included visits to sites of Bristol Gunner interest, including cemeteries where our comrades were laid to rest, and locations where notable events occurred 100 years before. Travel and accommodation was by individual arrangement, with the core events being organised by the Battery. Costs were an individual responsibility.
Sources and Resources
Derek Driscoll's original pages
First World War Centenary Commemoration Events
Old & Bold