Bristol Gunners

1st Gloucestershire RGA Volunteers
Newspaper Orders

On the 22 November 1859, the Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery (GVA) was formed, making it's headquarters at the Artillery Ground, Whiteladies Rd. Clifton, Bristol. The unit started with five batteries with a sixth added later. The GVA were tasked with the defence of the Bristol Channel and the ports of Bristol and Gloucester and were fully paid for and organised by the City of Bristol, it was not part of the War Office responsibilities. The motto of the GVA is 'Fidus et Audax', which is Latin, meaning 'Loyal and Audacious.' It was chosen by the original officers of the GVA as values to be aspired to by everyone who serves in the GVA. History has shown that The Bristol Gunners have never failed to live up to these ideals.

In May 1860, the newly formed Gloucestershire Artillery Volunteers were fortunately able to secure a long lease from the Society of Merchant Venturers of the existing parade ground on Whiteladies Road, Clifton, Bristol.

In March 1880, the Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery had become the 1st Gloucestershire Artillery Volunteers (Gloucester and Somerset).

All of the Volunteer Units in Bristol published their weekly orders in the local papers as were accounts of training, practice camps, regimental dinners and social functions. Here is a selection from 1904 to 1908.

The newspaper clippings come the scrapbook of Sgt Major H. J. Warren, No. 4 Company, The Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery RGA. Sgt Major H. J. Warren was Company Sergeant Major (CSM) of 1st Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery RGA from the first quarter of 1897.

1902 Orders

26 July, 1904


Brigade orders By Colonel F. C. ORD, Commanding

1. - Layers - The following layers of No, 1 Company have been awarded Badges: Gunners W. Price and G. A. Knowlden, and Corporal Harris; and the following of No. 6 Company have qualified as layers: Gunners Gough and Burkitt, Corporal Blatchford, Gunner Kepple, Bombardier White, Gunners Baker, Garrard, Lefroy, and F. F. Leighton.

2. - Result of 40pr. R.B.L. Competition - 1st, NO. 10 Company, with 156 marks; 2nd, Nos 11 and 13 Companies, with 132 marks; 4th, No 9 Company, with 109 marks; 5th, No. 12 Company, with 100 marks. The badges awarded may be taken into wear from the date of this order until the result of next year's competition is published. No. 10 Company are the first winners of Colonel Ord's challenge cup, and will hold it until the result of next year's competition is published. Badges awarded: No, 10 Company, 1st class, Nos. 11 and 13 Companies. 2nd class.

3. - A detachment, of 1 officer (Major Worth), 1 Sergeant and 8 men have been selected to attend the Coronation of his of His Majesty the King, on August 9th. Special orders as to trains, &c., will be sent to the men selected.

4. - All carbines (not required for shooting), swords, oil bottles, Pull through's, great coats, and straps, and kit bags to be returned to store on Tuesday and Friday evenings, at 7.30.

(Signed) By order,

Headquarters, 26th July, 1902

1904 Orders

26 March, 1904


Brigade ordersBrigade Orders by Col. F. C. Ord. Commanding.

1. - Drills during the week — No. 6 Company on Tuesday, at 7.30 p.m.; signallers on Monday and Thursday, at 7.15 a.m.; all other drills suspended until Thursday, 7th April, when the spring drill will commence at 7.15 a.m.

2. - Examination for Promotion. — The written examination for the whole of the Brigade will take place on Thursday, 28th April. Officers commanding companies will arrange with the Adjutant the dates on which they wish the practical examination to take place, which must be before the 30th April.

3. - Promotion. - To be sergeants: No. I Company Corpls. Hewlett and Tittle; No. 4 Company, Corpl. Bessell; No. 5 Company, CorpJs. Wood, A. S. Collings. and B. C. H. Colliugs; No. 8 Company, Corpls. Bowers and Turk. To be corporals. No. I Company, Gunners Price, W. Wyld, Lacey, and Walker; No. 3 Company, Bmbdrs. Applegate and Simmonds; No. 4 Company. Bmbdrs. Carlile, Clarke. and E. D. Sherring; No. 5 Company, Gunners Nott, Green, Wicks and Hunter; No. 6 Company, Bmbdr. C. H. Brown: No. 8 Cornpany, Bmbdrs. Hibbins. Jones, and Williams; No. 12 Company, Bmbdrs. Doughty and Cann. To be bombardiers: No. 3 Company, Gunners W. H. Barr and F. May; No. 4 Company, Gunners Cameron, Prestridge, Hiscox, and Withers; No. 6 Company, Gunner C. E. K. Rudge; No. 8 Company, Gunners Dean and Birch!ey; No. 10 Company, Gunners Gale, Hazell, Hill, Knight, and Rowe; No. 11 Company, Gunner Gilliard; No. 12 Company, Gunners Sydenham, Bishop and Hurst. The whole of the above are promoted subject to their qualifying at the forthcoming examination: - Regimental Band — Bmbdr. Blann and Musician May to be corporals; Musician A. E. Watts to be bombardier.

By order,
Captain and Hon. Major, Acting Adjutant,
1st Glos. R.G.A. (Vols.)
Headquarters, Clifton, 26th March, 1904.

30 April, 1904


Brigade ordersBrigade Orders by Col. F. C. Ord. Commanding.

1. - Officer on duty for ensuing week, Major A. C. S. Paul; next for duty, Lieut. R. S. Austin; orderly sergeant, Sergt. E. Harris; next for duty, Sergt R. C. C. Hewlett.

2. - Drill during the week: Morning parades for all Companies at 7.15 a.m.; evening parades for all companies on Monday and Friday, from 7.30 to 9.30, and from 7.30 to 8.30; signallers every drill night.

3. - The Adjutant will deliver a lecture on ranging with 5in. B.L. Howitzers on Tuesday morning for all company-sergeant-majors and sergeants, who are likely to be section commanders and No. 1 during the practice. Those who cannot attend on Tuesday morning will attend on Friday evening at 8.30. Lecture for observers on Monday at 7.30 p.m.

4. - With reference to Brigade Order No. 5, dated 6th February, 1904, practice will be carried out as follows for the ensuing year at camp: - Nos. 1 to Companies, 12 rounds of 5in. B.L. Howitzer and 12 rounds 8in. R.M.L. Howitzer of 46cwt. (Company Practice, ordinary observation), and 15 rounds of 6in. B.L. Howitzer (Competitive Exact Observation); Nos. 1 to 6 Companies, 20 rounds of 5in. B.L. Howitzer; and Nos. 7 and 8 Companies, 10 rounds of 5in. Howitzer (Company Practice, ordinary observation); No. 9 Company, 10 rounds of 4in. 7; and Nos. 11 and 12 Companies, 15 rounds of 4in. 7. No. 10 Company, 10 rounds of 6in. B.L., Mark XII. (Company practice) rounds. Officers commanding headquarters and outlying companies will make out the practice report of their companies, and render it to headquarters 48 hours after each series has been completed. The whole of the practice of each Company will be made out with the rounds numbered consecutively from 1 to end of practice. The Practice report to be signed at the end of each series by B.C. and Range Officer.

5. - Range Finders; Corpl. Carlile and Gnr. Burge. No. 4 Company, are appointed field range finders to the Brigade.

6. The quarterly meeting of the sergeants' mess will be held Wednesday at 8.30 p.m.

7. - Finance Committee at headquarters on Thursday, 5th May, at 5.30 p.m.

8. - Biennial competition for gunnery takes place this year. The examination, consisting of one written paper, will be held throughout the Corps on Tuesday, 7th June. List of candidates to be forwarded to headquarters not later than 21st May. All competitors must have complied with the Brigade Standing Orders. see Brigade Order No. 2. dated 2nd April, 1904.

9. -The annual camp will be from 21st to 28th May; headquarters going in on the 22nd May.

By order,
L. HEGARTY, Capt. R.A.
Adjt. 1st Glos. R.G.A. (Vols)
Headquarters, Clifton, 30th April, 1904.

28 May, 1904


Brigade ordersBrigade Orders by Colonel F. C ORD, Commanding

1 - All carbines (not required for shooting), swords, pull-throughs, slings, and oil bottles are to be returned to store. They will be taken in on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m.

2 — The result of the howitzer competition carried out at camp is as follows:—

Co. Battery Commander Group Officer Pts.
4 Captain Saville. C.S.M. Warren (a) 85
6 Major Worth, C.S.M. Plum (b) 80
1 Lieut. Austin, C.S.M. Parnall (c) 63
3 Captain Todd, C.S.M. Anderson 53
8 Major Metford, Lieut. Senior 42
7 Captain Prevost, C.S.M. Simmonds 35
5 Lieut. Dickinson. C.S.M. Y. Balkwill 25
6 Lieut. Hollis. Sergt. Buckingham 18

(a) First prize. (b) Second prize. (c) Third prize.

A. - Names of N.C.O.'s and men recommended to compete for gunnery badges are to be sent in at once.

Memo. - No. 4 oompanv: The competition for Captain P. L. Forte's challenge cup will take place on Monday, 6th June, at 7.30 p.m. Members intending to compete are requested to send their names to C.S.M. Warren by Wednesday next.

4. - There will be a meeting of the Finance Committee on Thursday next, 2nd June, at 5.30 p.m.

By order.
L. HEGARTY, Capt. B.A.
Adjt. 1st Glos. R.G.A. (Vols).
Headquarters, Clifton. 28th May, 1904.

1908 Orders

28 March 1908

1st Gloucester R.G.A. Volunteers

Brigade Orders by Colonel F. C. Ord. CB. VD., Commanding

March 28th 1908

No. 1- Officer on duty for ensuing week, Major A.C.S. Paul; Next for duty Capt W. H. B. Savile. Medical Officer on duty for ensuing week Surg-Capt A. Ogilvy.

Orderly Sergeant Sergt T.D.A. Harries; Next for duty, Sergt J. J. H. Nelson

No 2- Drills during the week; Recruits on Monday, at 7.30pm

No 3- From 1st April 1908, the designation of the Corps will be 1st South Midland Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.

Consisting 1st Gloucestershire Battery, 2nd Gloucestershire Battery, 3rd Gloucestershire Battery, 1st South Midland Ammunition Column. No’s 1& 2 Batteries will be at Clifton and No 3 Battery will be at Gloucester.

The present companies are allotted as follows; - 1, 2 and 4 become respectively 1, 2 and 3 Sections No 1 Battery; 3, 5 and 6 become respectively 1, 2 and 3 Sections No 2 Battery; No’s 8 and 13 become respectively 1, 2 and 3 Sections No 3 Battery.

The Ammunition Column will be formed from surplus officers, N.C.O’s and men

In the proportion of two–thirds at Bristol and 1- third at Gloucester.

Nos. 7,9,10,11,and 12 Companies will be disbanded on the 31st march 1908.

The following N.C.O’s and men of No. 10 Company living in Bedminster will be absorbed into No. 1 and 2 Batteries.

C. S. M. Way, Sergt Plunknett, Corpls; Young, Wheeler, Gummer, Bombrs. Brown, Taylor, Gunners; Baker, C. Brown, C. H. Bennett, A. Burrell, F. Cotton, J Dallen, W. Grace V. James, G. James, W. E. Masry, F. Thyer, H. F. Westaway, R. West, J. Ansell, A. Buckland, J. Durston, G. Edwards, A Hamblin, B. Harvey, E. Maggs, W. Prater, C. Thomas, A. E. Gore, H. Mereweather, R. Jones, F. G. J. Dible, Weeks, H.Walker, Rimmell, Wilkins, Reed, White, Reed, White, Phillips, Arnold, Newman, Perry, and Fowler.

N.C.O’s and men living in Somerset outside the Boundaries of the city of Bristol cannot be absorbed in the Brigade.

Officers are posted to batteries as follows: No 1 Battery- Captain and Hon Major W. C. Swayne, commanding; Captains R. L. Austin and H. Whitesmith, Lieut G. F. Lefroy, 2nd Lieut B. G. James, J. R. Charles and A.H. Abell

No 2 Battery- Major W.H. Wise, Commanding; Capt C. W. Todd and Hon Major A. C. S. Paul, Capt V. A. Hillman, 2nd lieutenants E. D. Burbidge, C. K. Cowlin and H. G. W. Prideaux.

No3 Battery- Major and Hon Colonel F. K. S. Metford, Commanding; Captains W.W. Grosvenor, and F. H. Hole, 2nd Lieutenants; R. P. P. Lefroy, E. R. Williams, G. Harland –Bowen, C.F. H. Priday and K. E. Aitkin.

For posting of Non-Commissioned officers see next weeks orders.

No 4- Enlistments

EDITED [Timings for personal to enlist only].

No 5- Medical Inspection; The Corps becoming a mounted unit necessitates all ranks being medically inspected, the inspection will be carried out on the nights of enlistment.

No6- Promotion; In Brigade Order No 4 dated 21st March 1908 for Corpl. J. W. Buffery, to be Sergeant, read Corpl G. C. James to be Sergeant.

No7- Clothing

Edited deals with clothing issues, timings only


[The rest of the orders Edited out as they deal with general administration.]

Adjutant. 1st Glos. R. G. A. V.
Headquarters Clifton dated March 28th 1908

18 April 1908

1st South Midland Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.

Brigade Orders by Colonel F. C. Ord. CB. VD. Commanding

18-April –1908

First part of orders edited out general administration only.

Extract form "London Gazette" dated 10th April 1908 - 1st Gloucestershire RGA [Volunteers] Lloyd Howard Abell to be 2nd Lieutenant dated February 18th 1908

Promotions No3 Battery with effect from 1st April 1908 seniority in brackets.

Gunners to be Bombardiers [1] H.P. Gurney, [2] E. Burden, [3] J. E. Gibbs,

[4] H. Prichard [5] A. Barnes, [6] H. A. G. Johnson [7] A. Leach, [8] T. J. Barber.


The following postings of officers and N.C.O’s in No3 Battery will take effect from 1st April 1908.

No1 Section Captain Grosvenor, Lieut Williams, 2nd Lieut R. P.P. Lefroy [Att], C S M Parker.


Battery Sergt Major W. J. Parker

Battery Q-M-Sergt. J. Rice

No 1 Section

A Subsection No1 Sergt Hibbins, Corpl Pick, Bombr H. C. Pritchard, Bombr Burden

B Subsection No1 Sergt Corpl Gaze, Bombr J. E. Gibbs,

No 2 Section; 2nd Lieut Harland-Bowen, 2nd Lieut Priday

C Subsection No1 Sergt Williams, Corpl R. H. Spence, Bombr Barnes, Bombr Johnson.

D Subsection No1 Sergt Merrett, Corpl Barrett, Bombr Lench.

No 3 Section Capt Hole, 2nd Lieut Atkin, B. Q, M.S. Rice.

E Subsection No1 Sergt Harper, Corpl Hayes, Bombr Haslem.

F Subsection No1 Sergt Oldland, Corpl H. Meek, No 128 Bombr H. V. Gurney, Bombr Barber.

Promotion: Corpl H. Meek to Sergt gun Fitter dated Nov 14th 1908.

No 604 Gunner B. Baldwin to Corpl Shoeing Smith [19 Jan 1909]

Adjutant. 1st South Midland Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Headquarters Clifton dated 1st April 1908

9 May 1908

1st Gloucester R.G.A. Volunteers

Brigade Orders by Colonel F. C. Ord. CB. VD., Commanding

This is an edited version of Brigade Orders dated May 9th 1908

Appointment: No 191 Gunner G. W. F. Brockington is appointed shoeing smith No 1 Battery.

Brigade order No 3-dated 28th March1908 is cancelled and the following substituted,

No’s 1and 2 companies become No 1 Battery; No’s 4and 6 become No 2 Battery; No’s 3and 5 Companies become No 4 Battery, Ammunition Column

Officers, Staff Sergeants and Sergeants are posted as under.

No 1 Battery- Captain and Hon Major W. C. Swayne VD, commanding; Captains R. L. Austin, Lieut G. F. Lefroy,

2nd Lieut B. G. James, J. R. Charles.


Battery Sergt Major E. Harries

Battery Q-M-Sergt W. Way

No1 Section

A Subsection No1 Sergt Howlett, [Subsection = 1x gun 15 pdr BL [C]

B Subsection No1 Sergt Lacey, Gnr Eddoes

No2 Section

C Subsection No1 Sergt Buckingham, Gnr Hickery

D Subsection No1 Sergt Frost

Gun Fitter No 180 Gnr T. Shepard [4th June 1908]

Corpl F. B. Phillips To Be Sergt Fitter [1st Nov 1908]

No1 Battery - Shoeing Smith- G. Brockington to be Corpl Shoeing Smith [1st Nov 1908]

No 2 Battery- Major W.H. Wise VD, Commanding; Capt H. White Smith. Capt V. A. Hillman,

2nd Lieutenants E. D. Burbidge, and H. G. W. Prideaux.


Battery Sergt Major H. T. Plum

Battery Q-M-Sergt W. P. Leigh

No1 Section

A Subsection No1 Sergt E. D. Sherring [Subsection = 1x gun 15 pdr BL [C]]

B Subsection No1 Sergt A. A. Withers, Gnr Halliday, Samson

No2 Section

C Subsection No1 Sergt Glasson.

D Subsection No1 Sergt Jenkins.

No 4 Battery [Ammo Column]

Capt C. W. Todd Commanding; Lieut’s C. K. Cowlin, R. P. P. Lefroy, E. R. Williams.

2nd Lieut L. H. Abell


Battery Sergt Major A. E. Anderson

Battery Q-M-Sergt E. U. Dunscombe

A Subsection No1 Sergt J. W. Tanner

B Subsection No1 Sergt Harries

C Subsection No1 Sergt W. Swain

D Subsection No1 Sergt C. H. Lawrence

Gun Fitters Gunners F. Whitefield and P. Webb

Saddler A. G. Bayntam to be Sergt Saddler [1st Nov 1908]

Drivers No 335 Gnr Chillcot

No 538 W. J. Selby

The remaining Sergeants of No 3 and 5 Companies belong to No 4 A. C.

Sergt Yeomans of No 1 Battery, Sergt Nelson of No 2 Battery.

The rest of the orders Edited out as they deal with general administration

Adjutant. 1st South Midland Brigade, Royal Field Artillery.
Headquarters Clifton dated May 9th 1908.

Sources and Resources

Derek Driscoll's original pages

I think there was some mistake in some of the of the original transcriptions and that F. G. Ord should be F. C. Ord.

Orders as published in the local papers 1908
Orders as published in the local papers 1908
Orders in the local papers 1908
Sample of weekly orders 1904
Weekly orders in the local papers 1908
Worth Family Information