War Diary of 1 (South Midland) Brigade (T) R.F.A. 1914 to 1916
On the 22 November 1859, the Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery (GVA) was formed, making it's headquarters at the Artillery Ground, Whiteladies Rd. Clifton, Bristol. The unit started with five batteries with a sixth added later. The GVA were tasked with the defence of the Bristol Channel and the ports of Bristol and Gloucester and were fully paid for and organised by the City of Bristol, it was not part of the War Office responsibilities. The motto of the GVA is 'Fidus et Audax', which is Latin, meaning 'Loyal and Audacious.' It was chosen by the original officers of the GVA as values to be aspired to by everyone who serves in the GVA.
Starting in 1906, the Secretary of State for War, Richard Haldane's Reforms were designed to better prepare the armed forces for future wars and involved a reorganization of the regular, volunteer and militia forces. The Territorial and Reserve Forces Act of 1907 saw the formation of the Territorial Force which consisted of fourteen infantry divisions, fourteen cavalry brigades, and a large number of support units including fully established divisions, provided with field artillery, companies of engineers and crucial supply services, including medical provision. The GVA became part of the Territorial Force, an army tasked with the defence of the UK, and came under the control of the War Office.
Under Haldene's Reforms, the units became the 2nd South Midland (Gloucestershire) Brigade, Royal Field Artillery (RFA), but this was changed to 1st South Midland (Gloucestershire) Brigade, RFA. It formed part of the South Midland Division of the TF, with the following organisation (each battery consisted of four 15-pounder guns):
HQ: Artillery Grounds, Clifton
1st Gloucestershire Battery, Artillery Grounds, Clifton
2nd Gloucestershire Battery, Artillery Grounds, Clifton
3rd Gloucestershire Battery, Barracks, Gloucester
1st South Midland Ammunition Column, Clifton
The Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery became the 1st (South Midland) Brigade RFA (T) on 1 April 1908. During the reorganization, the six batteries in Clifton were reformed into 2, with a thrid in Gloucester. An ammunition column was raised with the surplus officers, NCO's and men in the proportion of 2/3rds at Bristol and 1/3rd at Gloucester.
This page was created from the War Diary for 1st South Midland Brigade (T) and South Midland Brigade R.F.A.(TF) held by 266 Bty (G.V.A.) R.A. (V).
The War Diary
August 1914
4th - Bristol - War Declared. 8.45pm. - Order to Mobilize from General Warwick. Wires were immediately dispatched to O.C.3rd Battery Gloucester and to all officers on leave. The medical inspection was begun and 100 officers and men were passed fit. 12 p.m. - All "Notices to join" had been posted by midnight also requisitions for supplies from local contractors. Lt. A. E. Stone was placed in charge of Advance Party and his orders were handed to him. The 4 guns & 4 wagons of 2nd battery which were on loan at Larkhill Camp and which were due back, had not reached Bristol. Wire hastening guns sent to Ordnance Larkhill.
5th - Bristol - 12.45am. - O.C. 3rd Battery Gloucester acknowledged order to "Mobilize". 7.30am. - The medical was continued and nearly completed during the day prior to the order to mobilize being received a large numbers of old members of the Brigade offered themselves for re-enlistment. Attestations were completed for them and the medical examination proceeded as quickly as possible. Owing to the Holiday many members of the brigade were away from home and on return had to attend to private business before joining for duty. 9am. - The Advance Party of 11 N.C.O's & 4 men under Lt. A. E. Stone left for War Station. 10.30am. - 2 officers and 30 men proceeded on motor lorries to Portishead to draw ammunition. 11.45 am. - Wire received from Ordnance Larkhill reporting guns on rail. 10.30am. - Received wire ordering a officer to be sent to Warwick for maps Lieut. Lane sent. 2 pm. - 5 men left for Coventry for attachment to R.A. Headquarters. 5 pm. - All ammunition arrived from Portishead. 9 pm. - Lieut. Lane returned from Warwick with maps. During the day 30 horses were purchased and were accommodated at Headquarters. All officers, N.C.O's and men except guard and picquet were allowed to return home at night. During mobilization period men were fed at headquarters and all cooking was done on the ground. All arrangements worked well.
6th - Bristol - 3am. - Ammunition and stores for S.A.A. section of Ammunition column reached Bristol from Devonport and is brought up to headquarters in motor lorries. 7.30 am. - Packing of vehicles, branding of horses, fitting of harness proceeded with during the day. Horses were accommodated at night at the Cattle Market, (near Temple Meads Station) 2 ½ miles away. Not very satisfactory but no other place in Bristol available. Places allotted in Mob orders (Mobilization Orders) were full of grain and can not be used. All billets at War Station were taken over during the day. 8pm. - Medical inspection throughout the Brigade completed. Bounty paid out, Identity discs and Field dressings issued. Kit inspections completed. 250 horses arrived during the day also 8 vehicles and wheel harness. Constant communication with railway re 2nd Battery guns but no trace of them.
Gloucester - The battery at Gloucester was billeted in a school close to Headquarters and all arrangements worked well.
7th - Bristol - Despatched Lieut. James on motor vehicle to Amesbury Station to enquire about the guns. He found guns and wagons at the station awaiting transport which was reported on it's way from Salisbury. Railway promised all vehicles by the evening. Harness fitting etc. carried out throughout the day. 7pm. - Guns arrived Bristol Station and were at once sent for. 9pm. - Arrived Headquarters. 11.30pm. - Packing of guns completed. Horses billeted as yesterday. Men at Headquarters and Victoria Rooms, Clifton. 400 yards away, 33 horses required.
Devonport - All stores drawn by advance party.
8th - Bristol - Details completed except for S.A.A. section of Ammunition Column and 5 sets of lead harness and 8 saddles for gun section.
Ammo Column - 12.30 pm. - All horses received.
The Brigade left Bristol for Devonport and arrived as below.
3 pm. - Brigade Headquarters arrived Plymouth at 6.20 pm.
4 pm. - 1st Battery arrived Plymouth at 7.55 pm.
5 pm. - 1st Battery arrived Plymouth at 8.55 pm.
6 pm. - 2nd Battery arrived Plymouth at 10.20pm.
7 pm. - 2nd Battery arrived Plymouth at 11.25pm.
8.40 pm. - Ammunition Column arrived Plymouth at 1.10am.
9.40 pm. - Ammunition Column arrived Plymouth at 2.20am.
3pm. - 3rd Battery arrived Plymouth at 8.25pm.
4pm.- 3rd Battery arrived Plymouth at 8.55pm.
All units on arrival marched direct to Brickfields where horses and guns were billeted. The men were billeted in Technical Schools (2 batteries) 100 yards away and in local school (2 units) ½ mile away. Officers all within ¾ mile.
9th - Devonport - The whole day spent in settling in to billets and fixing up horse lines and teaming horses.
10th - Devonport - The following daily programme was issued to units:
6am - 7am. - Stables
6.15 - 6.45am. - Recruits Physical Drill under permanent staff Instructor of the bty on duty.
8.45 - 1.15am. - Driving Drill, hooking in and unhooking, limbering up. Recruits gun drill signalling, range taking etc.
11.30 - 12.45pm. - Stables.
2 - 4.30pm. - Gundrill, laying etc drivers cleaning harness and getting it soft. Recruit Drivers rides.
5 - 6pm. - Stables.
Orders received to call for volunteers for foreign service 22 officers, 7 Permanent Staff and 260 men sent in their names.
11th - Devonport - Parades were carried out in accordance with programme issued. In addition the daily instruction of officers by C.O. and adjutant from 6.30-7.30pm.was arranged for.
12th - Devonport - The Brigade marched to Saltram Park [4½ miles away] and driving drill and occupation of positions was practiced. Afternoon as per programme.
13th - Devonport - The same as for 12th August
14th - Devonport - Two batteries marched to Roborough Moor [7 miles] and occupied several positions. Rest of Brigade as per programme. Those left behind paraded as per programme.
15th - Devonport - One battery marched to Roborough Moor. Rest as per W.O. programme. 1st Bty and Ammunition Column left their billets and were accommodated in Raglan Barracks. Afternoon bathing parade.
16th - Devonport - Exercise 8.45-11.15. Officers [less 1 per battery on exercise]. Instruction under C.O. and Adjutant 8.45 - 15.15. Afternoon Holiday.
17th - Devonport - Two batteries proceeded to Roborough Moor for drill. The Battery left behind paraded as per programme.
18th - Devonport - One battery drill on Roborough Moor. Remainder as per programme.
19th - Devonport - One battery in the morning and one Battery in the afternoon on Roborough Moor. Remainder as per programme. From today inclusive of the Ammunition Column which sends out 1 sub-section daily to practice Ammunition supply.
20th - Devonport - One battery and lone sub-section of Ammo Column drill on Roborough Moor. Remainder as per Programme.
21st - Devonport - As 20th.
22nd - Devonport - As 20th. A [practice] Night Alarm was sounded at 11pm. for all troops of General reserve. The Brigade fell in 200 yards from the Gun park, complete, within ¾ hour. A dark night, raining hard and no lanterns.
23rd - Devonport
8-10 am. - Exercise.
9-12.45 pm. - Officers Instruction under the C.O. and Adjutant.
11am. - Gunners Church Parade. Drivers harness cleaning.
Afternoon holiday.
24th - Devonport - One Battery and 1 Sub-section of Ammunition Column drill on Roborough Moor. Remainder as per programme.
25th - Devonport - As 24th.
26th - Devonport - As 24th. The Brigade, except 12 officers left their billets and were accommodated in Raglan Barracks.
27th - Devonport - One Battery and 1 Sub-section of Ammunition Column drill on Roborough Moor. Remainder as per War Office programme received this day.
28th - Devonport - As 27th. Subaltern's instruction under Adjutant daily from 6.15 am to 7.15 am., except those going to Roborough Moor.
29th - Devonport - One battery Drill on THE MOOR. Remainder as per W.O. programme. Afterwards Bathing Parade.
30th - Devonport
8-10 am. - Exercise.
9-12.45 pm. - Officers Instruction under the C.O. and Adjutant.
11am. - Gunners Church Parade. Drivers harness cleaning.
Afternoon holiday.
31st - Devonport - One Battery and 1 sub-section of Ammunition Column drill on Roborough Moor. Remainder as per War Office W.O. Letter received ordering units of which volunteer for Foreign Service to complete to War Establishment. Returns show 22 officers and 368 Other ranks volunteered in the Brigade. From now all units going to Roborough Moor parade in "Marching Order". Extract from London Gazette of 29th Aug 1914:
Capt V. A. Hillman to be seconded. Capt C. W. Todd to be Capt.
2nd Lieuts to be Lieutenants H. P. Lane, J. B. Fullerton, G.S. James, M. R. Estcourt, C. K. S. Metford, E.L. Gedye, A. E. Hopkins.
To be 2nd Lieut. G. V. P. Wills, B. G. James, H. G. W. Prideaux.
September 1914
1st - Devonport
8.30am. - Two batteries and ammunition column, driving Drill, occupation of positions, recruit rides. One battery gun drill laying etc.
1pm. - Inspection by G.O.C. in C. Southern Command. One Battery, "Marching Order" followed by occupation of positions. One Battery, Battery Gun drill. One Battery, Laying, Signalling, Range-taking, Section Gun Drill, all drivers Harness cleaning and Instruction.
4.30-6pm. Stables and Training of Specialists.
2nd - Devonport - One battery and 1 sub-section of Ammunition Column, drill on Roborough Moor. Remainder as per W.O. Programme. Recruiting commenced for "Service" Brigade to complete to War establishment both at Bristol and Gloucester. 80 recruits enlisted.
3rd - Devonport - Parades as for 2nd September. 221 Recruits enlisted up to 8pm.
4th - Devonport - Parades as for 2nd September. 280 Recruits enlisted up to 9pm. Recruiting stopped till further orders medical Inspection of Volunteers for Foreign Service, result 20 officers and 340 other ranks passed fit out of 23 officers and 368 O. R. The Officers found unfit were:- Major R. L. Austin, Lt. Metford and Lt. James.
5th - Devonport - One battery and 1 sub-section of Ammunition Column, drill on Roborough Moor. Remainder as per W.O. Programme. Afternoon - Bathing parade. From today the War Diary will be kept by Lt. A. E. Stone. Orderly officer. All recruits enlisted at Gloucester were transferred to Bristol.
6th - Devonport
9.00.am. - Officers and N.C.O.'s parade before Commanding Officer for lecture on discipline.
9.45.am. - Officer's instruction under C.O.
10.30.am. - Church Parade
Afternoon holiday.
7th - Devonport
6.00 am. - Wire received from County Association Gloucester to effect that all men not volunteering for Foreign Service should be returned to headquarters with necessary quota of Officers and billet there.
8.30 am. - One battery and 1 sub-section of Ammunition Column, drill on Roborough Moor. Remainder as per W. O. Programme.
11.00am. - Wire received from County Association Gloucester cancelling previous wire.
6pm -7.30pm. - Officers on Ranging Board.
8th - Devonport
8.30 am. - One Battery and 1 Subsection of Ammunition Column, drill on Roborough Moor. Remainder as per W.O. Programme.
6pm -7.30pm. - Officers on Ranging Board.
9th - Devonport
8.30 am. - Same as of the 8th.
10.00 pm. - Instructions were received for the Brigade to move to Crownhill under canvas when the necessary water troughs and latrines were being erected in the field.
10th - Devonport
8.30am. - Camp equipment was drawn this day and the Brigade marched out to their new ground.
6.00 pm. - A first batch of 50 recruits for foreign service arrived from Bristol.
Latrines and ablutions not yet completed.
11th - Crownhill - The whole day was spent in camp and general fatigues. Latrines and ablutions places not yet completed. Capt. C. W. Todd was posted to command of the 1st Battery vice Major. Capt R. Austin posted to command reserve unit. Capt V. A. Hillman posted to command of Ammunition Column, vice Capt C. W. Todd.
12th - Crownhill
9.00am. - One battery and 1 sub-section of Ammunition Column, drill on Roborough Moor. Remainder as per W.O. Programme. Latrines and absolutions places not yet completed.
8.00 pm. - Wire received from South Midland Divisional Artillery, Chelmsford asking if number of recruits to complete Brigade to war establishment for Imperial Service had been enlisted, as the Secretary of State for war was calling for this information. Replied that Headquarters and each unit of Brigade was complete for Foreign Service, except four Lieutenants applied for but not yet gazetted. Two of the Lieutenants already here and the others can join at once. All ranks passed medically fit and over nineteen years of age. The remainder of Foreign Service recruits numbering 230 arrived from Bristol this day.
13th - Crownhill - 9am to noon. - Officers under Instruction of C.O. and Adjutant. Recruits were posted to various units to complete them for Foreign Service. General Fatigues. Latrines and Ablutions benches not yet completed.
14th - Crownhill - Very wet morning
9.30am to noon. - Officer's instruction under Adjutant.
2.00pm. - 2 batteries and one Sec A. C. drill on Roborough Moor. Remainder as per W.O. programme.
6pm -7.30pm. - Officers instruction on ranging Board.
15th - Crownhill - As 14th. 9.00am. - Latrines and Ablutions benches complete.
16th - Crownhill
9.00am. - 1 Battery and 1 Section A. C. drill on Roborough Moor. Remainder and recruits as per W.O. programme.
5.30 to 7.00pm. - Officer's instruction on Ranging Board.
6.30am. - Officers physical drill under Adjutant.
17th - Crownhill
9.00am. - 2nd Battery and One Section A. C. Drill on Roborough Moor. Remainder and recruits as per W.O. programme.
5.30 pm.-7.00pm. - Officers on Ranging Board.
18th - Crownhill - As 14th.
19th - Crownhill - As 14th. 2nd Lieut. W. A. Todd and 2nd Lieut. M. E. Todd joined for duty pending gazetting.
20th - Crownhill
9.15am. - Commanding officers parade of officers and S N.C.O.'s
10am to1.00pm. - Officers Instruction on Ranging Board.
10.30 am. - Church Parade.
Afternoon Holiday.
21st - Crownhill
6.30am. - Officers Physical Drill under Adjutant.
9.00am. - 1st Battery Drill Order; 1st Battery skeleton Order, 1 Sec A. C. on Roborough Moor. Remainder and recruits as per W.O. programme.
5.00pm. - Officers Instruction on Range Board.
22nd - Crownhill
9.00am. - 1st Battery and 1 sec A. C. drill. 1st Battery digging gun pits on Roborough Moor. Remainder and recruits as per W.O. programme.
5.00 pm. - Officers Instruction of Range Board.
23rd - Crownhill
6.30 am. - Officer's physical drill under Adjutant.
9.30 am. - The Brigade, less Ammunition Column, paraded on Roborough Moor. and took part in field operations carried out by General Reserve Brigade under Brig - General Cunningham. Recruits as per W.O. Programme.
5.00 pm. - Officers Instruction of Range Board.
24th - Missing from photocopies.
25th - Crownhill
5.00am. - Party consisting of 1 officer, 3 Sgts and 40 drivers proceeded to North Road Station to detrain and bring to Egg Buckland Fort. Horses for Siege Company R.G.A. ordered to France.
6.30 am. - Officer's physical drill under adjutant.
9.00 am. - 1 Battery and 1 sec A. C., drill 1 Battery digging gun pits on Roborough Moor. Remainder and recruits as per W.O. programme.
5.00 pm. - Officers Instruction of Range Board.
26th - Crownhill
6.30 am. - Officer's physical drill under Adjutant.
9.00 am. - 2 batteries and 1 Section of A. C. on Roborough Moor for drill. Remainder and recruits as per W.O. programme.
27th - Crownhill
9.15 am. - Officers and S. N.C.O.'s parade for lecture by C.O.
10am to 1.00pm. - All Officers on ranging Board.
10.30am. - Church Parade.
In accordance with instructions from Ordnance depot forward 1,041 Fuzes No 65 to O.C. 4th Wessex Brigade R.F.A., Salisbury Plain.
28th - Crownhill
9.00 am. - 2 batteries and 1 section A.C. drill on Roborough Moor. Remainder and recruits as per W.O. programme
12.30pm. - Capt. E. J. Dunscombe, Lieut. C. K. S. Metford, and Lieut. G.S. James left for Bristol to join for duty the Reserve Brigade at Headquarters. 2nd Lieut. Croom-Johnson joined for duty pending gazetting.
5.00pm. - Officers on Ranging Board.
In reply to wires from HDQRS R.A. South Midland Division, Chelmsford and Fortress Commander, Plymmouth Furnished details of each Foreign Service Unit showing trained men and recruits and strength of Reserve Brigade.
29th - Crownhill
9.00am. - 1st battery and 1 section of A.C. drill on Roborough Moor. Remainder and recruit as per W.O. programme. 2nd Lieut. A.C. Fish joined for duty pending gazetting.
10.30am. - Instructions received from G.O.C. Southern Command through Fortress Commander, Devonport to hold in readiness for immediate despatch overseas 30 horses with conducting party of 10 men.
11.45am. - Instructions received from Ordnance Office to forward to O.C. 4th Wessex Brigade R.F.A., Salisbury Plain, 667 Fuzes NO 56. 5 officers and 15 men for Foreign Service Brigade inoculated by Medical officer.
30th - Crownhill
6.00am. - Paraded for inspection by C.O. and despatched to Devonport 30 horses and conducting party referred to yesterday in charge of officer.
7.00am. - Despatched fuzes referred to yesterday.
9.00am. - The Brigade including O.C. paraded in Marching Order for Route March on Roborough Moor returning to camp at 4.00 am.
10.45am. - Commanding officer met C.R.E. at Egg Buckland Fort for purpose of selecting site for huts and stables.
12.30 pm. - Major R. A. Austin proceeded to Bristol to take temporary charge of Reserve Brigade at Headquarters.
October 1914
1st - Crownhill
8.45am. - 1st Battery and1 Section of A.C. Drill Order on Roborough Moor. Supply of Ammunition practised. 1 Battery selection and occupation of positions. Remainder and Recruits as per W.O. programme.
4.30pm. - Officers on Ranging Board.
Inoculations still proceeding.
2nd - Crownhill - As for 1st October.
3rd - Crownhill - Exercising Order. Recruits as per W.O. programme. 8.30am. - The whole of the horse lines moved to fresh ground. Afternoon. - Bathing Parade. Inoculations still proceeding.
4th - Crownhill
9.15 am. - C.O.'s lecture to Officers and S.N.C.O.s.
10.am to 1 pm. - Officer's instruction on Ranging Table.
10.30am. - Church Parade.
5th - Crownhill
8.45am. - One Battery and 1 section of A.C. marching order on Roborough Moor. One Battery selection and occupation of positions. Remainder and recruits as per W.O. programme.
2.pm. - Brig-General S.S. Cunningham C.B. D.S.O. Comdg General Reserve Brigade inspected the Brigade in camp.
4.30pm. - Officers Ranging board.
Wire received from Gloucestershire County Association to stop recruiting from Home Service Brigade. Inoculation proceeding.
6th - Crownhill
8.45pm. - Drills as on morning of the 5th October. C.O. attended at Fortress Headquarters conference with G.O.C. in C., Southern Command.
4.30pm. - Ranging Board for Officers. Inoculations proceeding.
7th - Crownhill - Drills etc as for 5th October.
8th - Crownhill - Drills etc as for 5th October.
9th - Crownhill - Drills etc as for 5th October.
10th - Crownhill
4.10am - The alarm was given and the Brigade turned out in Marching Order and were ready to move at 4.50am. owing to the men's breakfast not being ready the order to move to Roborough Moor. was delayed till 5.20am.
5.20am. - On arrival at the rendezvous the brigade was inspected by the C. and proceeded for a Route march via Yelverton, Dousland and Meavy.
8.10 am. - Where the Brigade halted at 8.10am, to water and feed.
9.00am - The Brigade then returned via Shaugh Prior occupying 4 positions in [Shelton ?] on the way and reached camp between 2.15pm. and 3.pm. after a march of 19 miles.
2.15-3pm. - Recruits as per W.O. programme. Inoculations proceeding.
11th - Crownhill
9.15am. - C.O.'s lecture to officers and S.N.C.O.s.
10am. to 1pm - Officers Ranging Board.
10.30am - Church Parade.
12th - Crownhill
8.30am. - A skeleton brigade parade was held at Cadover Bridge and returned at to camp at 4pm. Remainder as per W.O. programme. Inoculations proceeded.
7 pm. - The party which accompanied 30 horses on 30th Sept returned having handed over at Le Mans.
13th - Crownhill
8.45 am. - One Battery and 1 section Amm. Column, Marching Order on Roborough Moor. Remainder as per W.O. programme.
2.30pm. - C.O. and adjutant visited Egg Buckland Fort and inspected proposed sites for huts. Inoculations proceeding.
14th - Crownhill - Wet Gusty morning. Exercising Order and Lectures followed by parades as per W.O. programme.
4.30pm. - Ranging Board.
6.am. - Major Austin, Lieutenatns James and Metford rejoined from Bristol. S.A.A. Section paraded with rest of S.M. division for inspection by H.M. the King, George V.
15th - Crownhill
1.30am. - Orders received to stand by ready to move to Chelmsford to be relieved by 4th East Lancs. Bde.
8.45.am. - 18 teams of 6 horses sent to transport Canadian guns and wagons from the gun Whary? to Plymouth station. Remainder exercise in the immediate neighbourhood, Gun drill, rifle drill.
16th - Crownhill
8.30am. - 2nd Lieut. Prideaux and 5 N.C.O.'s proceeded to Chelmsford to take over billets.
9.00am. - 16 Teams of horses sent to transport Canadians. Remainder Exercise, Gun, Drill etc.
17th - Crownhill
8.30am. - 20 teams of horses sent to Canadian Transport. Remainder Exercise morning and afternoon.
9.30am. - Ordnance called for a report on makes of all shell in Bde.
4.00pm. - Orders received to send all shell to O.C. Tipnor. Immediately informed Brigade - Major, Chelmsford.
5pm. - Informed that 4th East Lancs. Bde arrive on the 18th to relive us.
6pm. - 4 teams left to fetch shell boxes from Ordnance.
9.15pm. - Orders received not to send shell away.
18th - Crownhill
9.15am. - Lecture by C.O. to all Officers and S.N.C.O.s
10am. - Church Parade
12.noon. - G.O.C. Plymouth Fortress inspected camp. Informed us we should leave at 9am.on the 19th. Ordered to hand over all camp equipment, blankets etc to 4th East Lancs. Bde on their arrival.
5.30pm. - Instructions received that trains would leave North Road Station, Plymouth. First train 11.30pm.,19th, last train 5.30am. 20th.
10.15pm. - Brigade ordered to be clear of camp by 10.30 am. 19th and bivouac for the day at Egg Buckland.
11.30pm - Wire received from Brigade - Major. Chelmsford ordering us to bring all camp equipment as none available with Division.
19th - Crownhill
8.30am. - C.O. and Adjutant visited G.O.C. Plymouth Fortress and obtained sanction to take camp equipment to Chelmsford.
10.15am. - All Luggage and stores left for North Road Station, Plymouth and were loaded.
10.30am. - Brigade, men clearing up party, clear of camp.
1pm. - Handing over to O.C. 4th East Lancs. Bde completed.
11.30am. - Egg Buckland - Brigade bivouacked at the fort and left to entrain as follows:
8pm. - Headquarters of Reserve Brigade.
9.30pm. - 1st Battery.
11.pm. - 2nd Battery.
20th - 12.45.am. - 3rd Battery.
2.am. - Ammunition Column.
The units were entrained and left North Road as follows:
11.20am. - Headquarter staff, Reserve Bde and all luggage, time taken to entrain 15mins.
20th - 1.14 am. 1st Battery time to entrain 30 minutes.
2.35am. - 2nd Battery time to entrain 35 minutes.
4.am. - 3rd Battery time to entrain 25 minutes.
5.30 am. - Ammunition Column time to entrain 40 minutes.
20th - Chelmsford - The units arrived as follows:
9.10am. - Headquarters staff, Reserve Brigade and all luggage. Time taken to detrain 25 minutes.
10.30am. - 1st Battery time taken to detrain 50 mins 1 horse destroyed.
12.25pm. - 2nd Battery time taken to detrain 45 mins
1.45pm. - 3rd Battery time taken to detrain 35 mins.
3.10pm. - Amm. Column time taken to detrain 40 mins. All units marched to billets in neighbourhood of Broomfield.
6pm. - C.O. and Adjutant visited G.O.C. R.A. at Chelmsford.
21st - Broomfield - Day spent settling in. 5.30pm. - Lecture by C.O. to all officers.
22nd - Broomfield
9am. - Exercise. Gun Drill. Various cleaning etc.
3.30pm. - Inspection of Brigade by Brig-General S.C.U. Smith R.A., Inspector General R.H.A. and F. Artillery accompanied by S.O.C., R.A. Section Gun Drill, Battery Gun Drill, recruits driving drill, recruits ride rifle drill, signalling and lecture.
23rd - Broomfield
9.30am. - Skeleton Brigade Parade, full staff at Pleashey. Remainder as per W.O. programme.
4.30pm. - Much delay in morning caused by shortage of watering troughs. S.A.A. section joined Bde from Great Beddow, Broomfield.
24th - Broomfield - 9.30am. - Batteries Route March. C.O. and Adjutant reconnoitring for Drill ground. Remainder as per W.O. programme. Capt. C. W. Todd promoted Major to command 1st Battery. Lieut. A. E. Stone promoted Captain and posted to 1st Battery.
25th - Broomfield
9.00am. - Church Parade.
10.15am. - C.O.'s lecture to all officers and N.C.O.'s.
26th - Broomfield
9.30am. - Brigade skeleton parade near Little Waltham. Remainder as per W.O. programme.
6pm. - Young Officers Lecture by Adjutant.
21st - Broomfield
9.30am. - Batteries Route March C.O. and Adjutant reconnoitred for Drill Ground. Remainder per W.O. programme.
6pm. - Adjutant lecture to young officers.
8pm. - 2nd remounts arrived. Lieut. Taynton joined for duty.
28th - Broomfield
9.30am. - Brigade Parade at Great Waltham. Occupation of positions.
3pm. - Remounts posted to Batteries.
6pm. - Young officers lecture by Adjutant.
29th - Broomfield
4.am. - 7 remounts arrived.
9.am. - C.O. and Adjutant accompanied G.O.C., R.A. for inspection of positions to be occupied in the event of a raid, near Witham, Maldon and Colechester.
9.30am. - Batteries Route March and driving Drill.
5.15pm. - Lecture for all officers and N.C.O.'s at Chelmsford, on "The Theatre of War".
30th - Broomfield
8.30am. - C.O. and Adjutant taken by G.O.C. R.A., over positions online of Fobbing - Bellericay - Ingatestone.
8.30am. - Alarm given to brigade to turn out "as for" Active military operations in England.
30th - Broomfield - The batteries reported ready in all respects to move as follows:
10.10am. - 3rd Battery.
10.30am. - 1st and 2nd Batteries.
10.40am. - Reserve Brigade.
11.am. - Ammunition Column. Route march by batteries.
12.noon. - 5 remounts arrived.
Afternoon. - As per W.O. programme.
4.30pm. - 12 remounts arrived.
6pm. - Young officers lecture by adjutant. Inoculations preceding.
31st - Broomfield
9.30am. - Drill order parade Occupation of positions at Tufnell Park, Great Waltham.
Afternoon. - Harness cleaning, Recruits laying and fuze setting.
6pm. - Young Officers lecture by Adjutant.
6.30pm. - 8 remounts arrived.
November 1914
1st - Broomfield
10am. - Church Parade
11.15am. - Posting of remounts.
12 noon. - Adjutant lecture to young officers.
1 pm. - Orders received to send party to Witham on 2nd just to dig certain gun pits at the Maldon - Witham position.
2nd - Broomfield
9.30am. - 9 officers and 300 N.C.O.'s and men proceeded to Witham where a camping ground was selected. Tents were drawn from Maldon.
12 noon. - Arrival of party at Witham. Camp and horses lines pitched.
2.30pm. Digging of Gun Pits commenced. The entire brigade was used to transport the men and baggage and rations to Witham.
6pm. - Young officers lecture by Adjutant.
3rd - Broomfield
9am. - Digging continued.
9.30am. - Driving drill at Langley's. (used grounds of large house Great Waltham built 1620). Recruits Gun Drill, Laying, Signalling.
Afternoon. - Gun Drill, Signalling etc.
6pm. - Officers lecture by Adjutant.
4th - Broomfield - Same as 3rd Nov. 6 remounts arrived.
5th/6th - Broomfield - Same as 3rd Nov.
7th - Broomfield - Morning - Same as 3rd Nov. Afternoon. - Harness cleaning and ½ holiday.
8th - Broomfield
10am. - Church Parade.
11.30am. - Officers lecture. Remainder of day holiday.
1pm. - Lieut. E. L. Gedye preceded to Aledershot for course in telephony.
9th - Broomfield
9am. - Digging Continued.
10.30am. - Inspection of Harness and vehicles by Director of Transport, Central Force. Result all vehicles and harness condemned the 4 wagons late property of the Brigade.
11.30am. - Route march.
2.30pm. - Laying, signalling etc.
9pm. - New War Establishment for the T.F. serving with Expeditionary Force received.
10th - Broomfield
9am. - Digging continued.
9.30am. - Driving Fu- - - ?at Langley's Recruits Gun Drill, Signalling.
2.30pm. - Posting of remounts. Gun Drill and signalling.
6pm. - Young officers lecture by Adjutant.
9pm. - New A. F.S. 1098-14.B. for 15pr B.L.C. (BLC.= Breech Loading Converted: had a recoil system fitted) for Expeditionary force received.
11th - Broomfield
9am. - Digging Continued.
9.30am. - Driving Drill Recruits gun Drill, signalling. Preparation of indents for new equipment.
2.30pm. - Very Wet. Signalling and lectures. Orders received to find the Anti-Aircraft detachment vide new War Establishment. Lieut. B.S. James to take Command.
9.30am. - Driving Drill Recruits gun Drill, signalling. Preparation of indents for new equipment.
6pm. - Young officers lecture by Adjutant.
12th - Broomfield
9am. - Digging continued at Witham and neighbourhood.
9.30am. - Drilling for recruits on roads owing to very wet night.
2.30pm. - Recruits Gun Drill, signalling, laying.
3.15pm. - Young officer's introduction in director work by Adjutant.
6pm. - Young officers lecture by Adjutant.
Orders issued to Depot to recruit 127 men for Divisional Ammunition column (No1 section), Divisional Ammunition Park and Anti-Aircraft detachment.
13th - Broomfield
9am. - Digging continued.
9.30am. - Driving Drill again to wet to leave the roads. Gun drill and Signalling.
2.30pm. - Recruits Gun Drill, Signalling and Laying.
3pm. - Young Officers Ranging Board.
6pm. - Young officers lecture.
6.30pm. - 3rd battery detachment returned from Witham.
14th - Broomfield
9am. - Digging continued.
9.30am. - Driving Drill, Exercise and Gun Drill, Signalling.
10.30am. - 6 horse left for North Midland Division at Luton Hoo.
Afternoon. - Harness Cleaning. (two words illegible) Officers and men of 1st and 2nd Batteries (Imperial Service) returned from Witham. Lieut. G.S. James and 80 men of Reserve Brigade remained to complete Gun-pits.
15th - Broomfield
10.am. - Church Parade.
11.15am. - All Officers ranging Board. Remainder of day Holiday. Lieut. E. L. Gedye returned from Aldershot.
16th - Broomfield
9am. - Digging continued by Lieut. James and party of men from Reserve Brigade. The Imperial Service Brigade less S.A.A. Section of Ammunition Column proceeded to Witham and neighbourhood and occupied the pits recently dug and returned to Broomfield at 6pm. Remainder signalling, Driving and Rifle Drill. Medical Inspection of Imperial Service Bde began.
17th - Broomfield
9am. - Digging continued also medical inspection. Exercise, Battery and Section Gun Drill, Signalling, Laying etc.
2.30pm. - Gun Drill, Signalling, Laying etc.
3.15pm. - 1st Battery turned out in full Marching Order as if for move. Inspection by C.O.
6pm. - Young Officers lecture by Adjutant.
Orders relieved to keep an officer at Headquarters day and night till further orders. All leave stopped till further orders. Orders issued to depot to recruit 60 more men required for first re-enforcements.
18th - Broomfield
9.am. - Digging continues
9.30am. - Brigade Skeleton Parade near Hewe Street. 2nd Battery "Practice Alarm".
Afternoon. - Laying, Fuze setting, Gun Drill Signalling. Amm Col.
6pm. - Young Officers Lecture by Adjutant.
19th - Broomfield
9.30am. - Wet morning. Exercise, Lectures, Signalling. "Practice Alarm", Staff.
Afternoon. - Laying Gun Drill etc. 3rd Battery segregated owing to Ringworm.
6pm. - Young officers lecture. 89 Recruits enlisted to date.
20th - Broomfield
9am. - Digging continued.
9.30am. - Gun Drill Exercise, Route march.
Afternoon. - All Batteries, Battery Gun Drill, Signalling.
6pm. - Young officers lecture.
21st - Broomfield
9am. - Digging continued.
9.30am. - All Batteries Drill Order at Langley's.
Afternoon. - Harness cleaning and holiday. Detachment sent --- ---- --- ---- to Witham.
London Gazette:- Lieut. H. G. W. Prideaux to be Captain (temporary)
22nd - Broomfield
10am. - Church parade.
11am. - All Officers Ranging Board. Brigadier H, M. Butler present. Remainder of day holiday. 105 Recruits enlisted to date.
23rd - Broomfield
1st and 2nd Batteries Drill Order at Langley's.
Afternoon. - Gun Drill, Laying etc, Signalling.
3 - 4.30pm. - Young Officers Ranging Board.
6pm. - Young officers lecture by Adjutant.
9pm. - All officers lecture by Adjutant.
24th - Broomfield
8.30pm. - 1st and 2nd Batteries proceeded to Galleywood Race Track to practice obtaining a Line and Range by means of an aeroplane. First day - thick fog and the Batteries had to return without being able to see well enough.
Afternoon. - Stables and Signalling. Etc.
6pm. - Young officers lecture.
25th - Broomfield
8.15am. - 1st and 2nd Batteries carried out practice of obtaining line and range of targets indicated and results with Aeroplane. The improvement was most noticeable in the latter targets and results were satisfactory considering the instruments at the officers disposal.
Afternoon. - Harness cleaning Stables and Signalling.
6pm. - Young officers lecture. 126 Recruits enlisted to date.
26th - Broomfield
9.30am. - Exercise and Battery Gun Drill, Signalling.
11.30am. - Stables.
Afternoon. - Holiday for those to do night digging. Remainder Signalling, Laying etc.
6pm. - All three Batteries commenced digging Gun Emplacements but it began to rain so hard.
10pm. - Digging was stopped. Week-end leave for officers and men allowed to resume.
27th - Broomfield
9.30am. - Driving Drill, Gun drill, exercise, laying, occupation of Pits. (gun).
Afternoon. - Digging of new platform ---------- --- ---- Limber and wagon as overhead cover.
2.45pm. - Young officers Ranging Board.
6pm. - Young officers lecture.
Lt's. W.A. and M.E. Todd, gazetted from 9th September 1914. 130 recruits enlisted to date. Lt. Harrison, Lindrea, Fisher, appointed 2nd Lieuts dated 19th, 20th, and 21st respectively.
28th - Broomfield
9.30. - Driving Drill, Laying, Signalling. Filling in of Gun pits.
Afternoon. - Harness cleaning and holiday.
11pm. - Order received that all Ringworm horses are to stay in the fields they are in till further notice. Owing to Ringworm throughout the Brigade.
29th - Broomfield
10am. - Church Parade.
11.15am. - Inspection of Horses by Col. Long.
12 noon. - Orders received that all Ringworm are to be at once isolated also the men in charge of them.
2.30pm. - Adjutant accompanied Brigade - Major R.A. and a field was selected at Great Waltham, billet for the men at Little Waltham in Drill Hall.
30th - Broomfield - 7am. - Medical Inspection began of all ranks. The whole day was occupied in arranging for the new horse lines and billets near Little Waltham and in getting all infected horses removed to these lines. Lt. Priday (Prideaux?) and 2nd Lt. W.A. Todd and 75 N.C.O.'s and men sent to look after the horses. Pouring wet day. 142 Recruits enlisted to date.
December 1914
1st - Broomfield
9.30am. - Exercise in units fields. Laying, signalling, etc.
11.30am. - Inspection of carriages by C.O.M.
Afternoon. - Signalling, Gun Drill, etc. All units Clipping. (of horses coat). 153 recruits to date.
2nd - Broomfield
9am. - Lt. A. E. Hopkins and 10 N.C.O.'s and men left for duty with the Divisional Ammunition Column. Joining at Chelmsford. Sergt. Earl, Permanent Staff appointed B.S.M. of Div AC and left for duty.
9.30am. - All units exercise in their own fields. Gun Drill, Laying, Signalling.
Afternoon. - Signalling, laying Fuze setting etc.
6pm. - Young officers lecture by the Adjutant.
127 horses with Ringworm. Lieut. Harrison and Lindrea joined for duty.
3rd - Broomfield
9.30am. - Exercise. Gun Drill for recruits laying signalling etc. 1st Battery Officers and staff dismounted practice, battery in intercommunication with telephones.
Afternoon. - Recruits gun Drill, signalling etc.
6pm. - 1st battery officers lecture on map reading by Adjutant.
160 recruits to date.
4th - Broomfield
am-pm. - As for 3rd Dec all day.
2.30pm. - Ranging Board.
165 Recruits to date.
5th - Broomfield
9.30am. - Exercise, Recruits gun Drill, laying ,signalling etc.
Afternoon. - Holiday.
130 horses with Ringworm. 175 recruits.
6th - Broomfield
10am. - Church Parade.
11am. - Ranging Board for Capt. and Subalterns.
6.30pm. - Young officer lecture.
7th - Broomfield
9.30am. - Exercise. Recruits gun Drill, laying , signalling.
Afternoon. - Very Wet. Lectures to each unit.
6pm. - Young officers lecture by Adjutant.
Captain Bunbridge, N.C.O.'s and men proceed to Chelmsford to join Div. Amm. Col.
8th - Broomfield
9am. - 14 officers of the Brigade proceeded to WIDFORD AERODROME to practice obtaining lines of fire, but owing to very strong wind of 60-70 mph, it had to be abandoned. Exercise, signalling, Recruits Gun drill, Laying.
Afternoon. - Bty Gun Drill, Recruit Gun Drill, Laying, Signalling. etc.
6pm. - Young officers Lecture by Adjutant.
175 Recruits enlisted to date. 141 Ringworm cases.
9th - Broomfield - Major W. H. Wise and C. W. Todd commenced course in obtaining lines of fire from an aircraft at Widford.
9.30am. - Exercise, Recruits Gun Drill, Laying, Signalling.
Afternoon. - Recruits Gun Drill, Laying etc, and Signalling.
6pm. - Young officers Lecture.
181 Recruits. 142 Ringworm cases.
10th - Broomfield
9am. - A very wet morning. Exercise Lectures, Signalling.
Afternoon. - Still raining. Lectures by M.O. to batteries also on map reading by Adjutant to officers.
6pm. - Young officers lecture.
11th - Broomfield
9.30am. - Exercise. Recruits Gun Drill. Signalling etc.
Afternoon. - Raining hard. Lectures. Signalling.
142 Ringworm cases. Xmas leave began today, 5 days for each man has been approved.
12th - Broomfield
9.30am. - Exercise. Recruits Gun Drill. Laying. Signalling etc.
Afternoon. - Holiday.
150 cases of Ringworm.
13th - Broomfield
10.am. - Church Parade. A pouring wet day.
14th - Broomfield
9am. - 8 Officers at Aerodrome to practice obtaining line etc, Plane unable to fly. Exercise, Laying, Signalling. Recruits Gun Drill.
Afternoon. - Gun drill laying Signalling. Ranging board.
154 Ringworm cases. 184 Recruits.
15th - Broomfield
9.30am. - Pouring wet day. Every possible horse put into barns Net result 60% of Amm Col. Horses still outside.
Afternoon. - Same as morning.
156 Ringworm cases. Xmas leave cancelled.
16th - Broomfield
9.30am. - Captain G. D. Browne commenced course of instruction at aerodrome. Exercise. Recruits gun Drill. Signalling etc. Sanction given to use clipped horses in draught on the roads again. Xmas leave again sanctioned.
Afternoon. - Signalling, Laying. etc, Ranging board for officers.
187 Recruits enlisted, recruiting stopped. 157 cases of Ringworm.
17th - Broomfield
9.30am. - Exercise. Recruits gun Drill, Signalling etc.
Afternoon. - Ranging Board, Signalling, Laying. etc.
2nd batch proceeded on XMAS leave. 158 Ringworm.
18th - Broomfield
9.30am. - Very wet all day. Exercise, Signalling, lectures.
Afternoon. - Signalling, lectures and fatigues.
Lt. Logan joined at Bristol for duty.
19th - Broomfield
9.30am. - Exercise. Recruits gun Drill. Signalling etc.
Afternoon. - Very wet. All horses in barns except the Ringworm cases.
20th - Broomfield
10am. - Church Parade.
11.15am. - Ranging Board for all officers.
Afternoon. - Holiday.
160 cases of Ringworm.
21st - Broomfield
9.30am. - Wet morning till 11am. Exercise, Lectures, Gun Drill, Signalling.
Afternoon. - Laying, fuze setting, Signalling. Recruits Gun Drill.
5.15pm. - Lecture for officers and other ranks at Chelmsford.
22nd - Broomfield
9.30am. - Exercise. Laying Gun Drill, Signalling etc.
Afternoon. - Signalling. Recruit officers Gun Drill. Laying etc.
164 Ringworm cases.
23rd - Broomfield - Same as for 22nd Dec. Xmas leave cancelled. Major & Honorable Lt. Colonel K. F. S. Metford transferred to T.F. Reserve.
24th - Broomfield - Parades as for Dec 22nd. 29 G.S. Wagons Mark X received from A.O.D.
25th - Broomfield - Xmas day. Voluntary Church Parades. All units XMAS Dinners in various large buildings and schools lent for the purpose.
26th - Broomfield - Exercise and Holiday. Very Wet all morning.
27th - Broomfield - More rain, Church parade cancelled. Horses early exercise.
28th - Broomfield
9.30am. - Exercise, Gun Drill. Signalling. etc.
Afternoon. - Rained hard. Lectures. Signalling.
6pm. - Young Officers Lecture by Adjutant.
XMAS leave commenced again. Orders received for Reserve Brigade to recruit up to full War Establishment. Foreign Service men only.
29th - Broomfield - Very bad storm during the night. "Mill House" occupied by 3rd Battery surrounded by flood and 6 inches of water in the kitchen.
9.30am. - Exercise. Signalling. Gun Drill.
Afternoon. - Gun Drill. Laying. Signalling.
6pm. - Young officers Lecture.
174 Ringworm cases.
30th - Broomfield
9am. - Exercise Gun Drill, Laying Signalling etc.
Afternoon. - Gun Drill, Signalling etc. 960 Fuze No 60 dispatched to Highland Division in exchange for like number of No 65.
6pm. - Young Officers Lecture.
176 Ringworm cases.
31st - Broomfield - Drills as for the 30th morning and afternoon. 175 cases of Ringworm. Ringworm is a contagious fungus infection and is nothing to do with worms.
January and February 1915 omitted from records.
March 1915
1st - Broomfield
9am. - Usual Parades. Musketry.
5.15pm. - Officer lecture at Chelmsford by officers returned from France.
7pm. - The "Alarm" given to the Brigade. The Units reported "Ready":
3rd Battery, at 8pm.
1st and 2nd Batteries, at 8.30 pm.
Amm Column, at 8.50.pm.
After inspection by the O.C. units were dismissed. The Brigade was re-armed with Rifles for MK VIII ammunition. 58 of the old one's went to 2/1st [?] Brigade. Remainder to Weeden.
2nd - Broomfield
9am. - Wet Morning. Exercise. Lectures. Musketry.
Afternoon. - Reconnaissance of positions Brigade and Battery Staffs.
6.30pm. - Occupation of Positions previously selected by C.O.
3rd - Broomfield
9.15am. - Brigade paraded and route marched via Great Waltham, Pleshey, Meshbury. Total 16 miles.
2pm. - Returned to billets.
4th - Broomfield
9am. - Usual parades Exam of signallers by Adjutant. Musketry.
6pm. - Lecture to officers by Adjutant.
5th - Broomfield - 9am. - Usual parades Inspections. Musketry, 9 boxes of S.A.A. practice ammunition arrived. Capt J.B. Kellar left for aeroplane course at Salisbury.
6th - Broomfield
9am. - Usual parades. Captains and Subalterns la-am. -----.?
9.30am. - All units musketry at Shoreham strong wind from the right accompanied by short sharp snow storms. Light good, results --- mid satisfactory. only -------- 3½ practices.
Afternoon. - Exercise. Lectures etc.
7th - Broomfield
9.30am. - --- --- of all units Musketry at Boreham(?), light good, light wind. From eight completed --- 5 practices. Results satisfactory.
Afternoon. - Exercise, Gun Drill etc.
7th - Broomfield - ---- ---- --- ---- ---- Lieut. W. F. Ridler, from 5th Batt Glos. Regt. To be 2nd Lieut. Dated 5 March,1915. W. H. Lanahm to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 7th March, 1915.
8th/9th - Broomfield - Diary entries illegible
10th - Broomfield - Major C. W. Todd returned from France. Officers went for a short visit to the front line and gave lectures on there return to unit as to conditions etc.
11th - Broomfield
Church Parade.
5pm. - Lecture by Capt C.W. Todd to all officers, Brig-General C—dy R.A. also present.
12th - 17th - Broomfield - Diary entries illegible
18th - Broomfield - Usual Parades. The ---- is about entirely administration and embarkation with the arrival of stores and ---------- leave.
19th - Broomfield
9.15am. - Heavy fall of snow during the night. Inspection of all horses of the Brigade by Major H.A. ----. D.A. D.R. exercise complete.
2.pm. - Supply of ----- X11 ---- arrived during afternoon. All battery. 2nd Lieut. F. FE.---EY Left for temporary duty to Div A.C. Rest of entry for the 19th illegible.
20th - Broomfield - 8.35am. - Headquarters - Ammunition column. The rest of entry for the 20th illegible.
21st/22nd - Broomfield - Diary entries illegible
23rd - Broomfield
9am. - Capt. Pridey left for embarkation overseas for "landing Duties". Packing of vehicles. Fitting of harness, route marches, etc. 22 remounts arrived.
5.pm. - Lecture by the landing officer of the Division.
24th - Broomfield - As for the 23rd Mar.
25th - Broomfield - Route marches, packing ------ and usual parades.
26th - Broomfield - As for 25th Mar. Stores coming in ------ each day. 8pm. - Capt. Farrell A.V.C. to take Veterinary charge of the Brigade vice Capt. Cade. A.V.C.
27th - Broomfield - 9am. - Route Marches etc.
11.30am. - ----- letter of move received as follows:- Ammo Col: 2.35 and 4.35pm. 28th. 1st Battery 10.35pm. 28th Mar and 12.35am. 29th Mar 2nd battery 4.0am. and 6.10am. 29th; 3rd Battery 8.10am. and 10.10am. 29th. Captain Cade left for Bury St. Edmonds. On joining 1/1st East Anglian Division.
28th - Broomfield
Day spent in final arrangements.
3pm. - Ammo Col left for train which was altered to 6.30 and 8.5pm.
10pm. - Headquarters and 2nd battery left for Broomfield and entrained at Chelmsford. One horse very troublesome and departure delayed in sequence.
29th - Broomfield
2.50am. - Left Chelmsford. The 2nd and 3rd Batteries entrained at Witham.
29th - Southampton
6.30am. - Arrived Southampton and embarked on S.S. The City of Muchnow and S.S. Huanchaco.
7.10am. - Left on Huanchaco, splendid passage, no causalities in Brigade. The Brigade was distributed among the ships in no case was one complete unit was in a ship.
30th - Havre
8.30am. - Arrived HARVE. Disembarked and watered and fed all Brigade horses in Halle 3.
2pm. - Drew stores etc to complete. L. Migo of the 7th Siege Arty joined as interpreter.
4pm. - Paraded and marched to station to entrain.
9pm. - Headquarters train with 1st battery left Havre.
10.15.am. - Arrived Abbeville horses watered and fed breakfasts.
10.50 am. - Left Abbeville (Lts. Lane and Fullerton nearly left behind)
6pm. - Arrived Hazebruck and began detraining at 7.15pm. after which we marched 4½ miles to billets at Rouge Croix, 2 miles S.E. of Caestre.
9.30pm. - The units arrived as follows: 1st bty 11.30pm. 2nd bty 9.15pm. 3rd bty 7pm. Ammo Col 1.30am. on the 1st
April 1915
1st - Rouge Croix
The rest of the morning was spent inspecting horse harness cleaning and completing sanitary arrangements.
2 pm. - C.O. Adjutant, Orderly Officer and three OR's of Headquarters and 3 officers and 8 OR's per battery left in two Motor Bus's for attachment to 27th Brigade R.A.
4 pm. - Arrived Nieppe and reported to the 4th Div Artillery H.Q.
4.30 pm. - Arrived Neuve Eglise. 1st battery attached to 121st Battery; 2nd Battery attached 120th and 3rd Battery to 19th Bty. 27th Brigade belongs to 5th Div but it is lent to 4th Div.
5.15 pm. - Visited positions.
2nd - Rouge Croix
8.30 am. - Visited H.Q. R.A. 5th Div and 4th Div and returned to select positions and observing stations for the Brigade. The rest of the day spent on this. Two Subalterns of 2nd Battery spent the day with F.O.O. at Le Rossignold.
3rd - Rouge Croix
8.30 am. - Preparation of selected positions. 2 Subalterns of 3rd Battery with F.O.O.
4th - Rouge Croix
2.30 pm. - Inspection of positions by Brig-Gen's Fox and Butler.
5.pm. - 2nd Battery arrived from Rouge Croix and proceeded to occupy the prepared positions.
5th - Rouge Croix
9.am. - Reconnaissance of positions in rear.
11.30 am. - 2nd Battery requested registers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 and are allocated sector A. (Reg 1-3 from Petite Douve Farm to Messines-Rossignold Road.
5.pm. - 1st and 3rd batteries arrived.
7 pm. - 1st and half of 3rd batteries occupied positions.
6th - Neuve Eglise
11.15am. - 1st battery requested points in sector B i.e. from Messines-Rossignold Road to Messines-Wulverghem Road. Their line was obtained from the map and worked out dead true.
12.noon. - 3rd Battery requested sector A fuzes erratic especially in the later case although checked by an officer.
2.30pm. - 1st Battery requested sector A observing from Burntout Dugout. Telephones working well.
9.pm. - 3rd battery reported section in action.
7th - Neuve Eglise
10.am. - 3rd Battery requested sector A.
2nd battery engaged a house where a machine gun is, reported 2 direct hits.
2nd battery shelled, enemy employed searching fire at 50 meters intervals, 1 round fell 20 yards from battery. Direction of battery 51° true. The cause of shelling was a premature from 27th Bty, 400 yds in front. No damage. Tactical command was assumed by Col Balfour from O.C. 27th Brigade at Midnight 7/8 April. All billets are shared with 27th Brigade and there is rather a squash.
8th - Neuve Eglise
12.30pm. - A quite day, 3rd Battery registered but fuzes poor. 1st Battery registered, fuzes better but range 600+ shorter. A cold windy day hail and rain.
9th - Neuve Eglise
10 am. - A quite day. 3rd Battery fired in morning results reported good.
3pm. - 1st Battery tested night lines. 27th Brigade left today and marched towards St. Eloi. Billets more comfortable.
11.45 pm. - War Inf (Warwick) complained we were shelling their trenches but we were not firing, the N. Midland was.
10th - Neuve Eglise
We now have an allowance of 3rds per gun per day. Generally 1 battery rests and 2 fire 18 rds a piece. Now that 27th Brigade has gone, we find our own F.O.O. He goes out at dusk to Inf Batt headquarters at La Plus Duce Farm and stays till nearly light, when he moves to Le Rossignold, a good arrangement in case of a night attack. He returns home at dusk.
10 am. - 1st Bty searched for a Battery reported by aeroplane N. of Messines MESSINES enemy replied with 40 + 4.2 shells round Leuwich Farm. Little or no damage. Afternoon quite.
6.15 pm. - 2nd Battery fired to find difference in corrector for the day. None observed.
11th - Neuve Eglise
10.30 am. - 3rd Battery fired, fuzes better but still unsatisfactory. A quite afternoon. Many English aeroplanes about and rumours of 1 German, the first, German planes never seen around here. Balloons up but at very long range.
5.20pm. - 1st Battery recalculated on No 4 as result of heavy rifle fire on one of our aeroplanes.
12th - Neuve Eglise
10 am. - 2nd Battery retaliated on No 5, German fire ceased.
10 45 - 12 15pm. - German shelled Petite Pont and then switched and increased till one shell, fell in No 2 horse lines. Horses had just been got clear in time. Shell fell under a saddle and threw it some feet into the air, but did no damage at all. Gun appeared to be 4.2 fuzes picked up set at 1/1/8 and 2/27/8 both fell on graze.
5 pm. - Two more fell about 5pm, one was only about 100 x from Brigade office. This was in reply to our shots from our 6" some 500 yds further on.
5 10pm. - 3rd Battery fired. Fuzes abominable. No "Forward" Observations as he had gone to ground, his farm being heavily shelled. This fire caused retaliatory fire which did some damage and we stopped as it is thought probable the guns firing on us today are on motors.
13th - Neuve Eglise - Busy improving cover and dugouts "Forward" again shelled heavily. Lt Gedye out on telephone wires all day, system greatly improved to the previous system taken over.
14th - Neuve Eglise
A quite day, no shelling either side. Suspicious details received re Astiminet 300 x from 3rd Bty position Report to R.A. H.Q.
8.30pm. - Lamp signalling reported from house near 1st Bty, Wagon Line. It shall be watched.
15th - Neuve Eglise
Quite day. Gen Butler inspected positions and observation station in morning.
7.30pm. - Signalling observed from farm mentioned yesterday. Place surrounded and searched. Men handed over to the gendarmerie at Niepee.
16th - Neuve Eglise
10.30am. - 1st battery fired on Helios in Reg 5. Farm searched by gendarmes but nothing found.
10pm. - Place watched but nothing found, men released. No German fire.
17th - Neuve Eglise
Quite morning. 2 Stationary balloons up as before. O.C. 8th Warwicks reported enemy shelling their H.Q. farm.
2.30 pm. - 2nd Battery fired on trenches opposite 3 and 4. Enemy's fire ceased. "Forward" shelled 3.30 - 4.15 and 4.45 - 5pm.
3.30pm. - 1st Battery requested night lines and 3rd Bty at 5pm. No hostile fire.
19th - Neuve Eglise - Quiet day. 1st and 3rd Batteries changed wagon lines. Prepared new position for 3rd battery.
20th - Neuve Eglise
3rd Battery digging.
4.30pm. - Germans shelled trenches 2, 3 and 4.1st Battery replied, effect very good.
7.30pm. - 3rd Bty left old position and were in new position by 9pm.
21st - Neuve Eglise - Very quiet day. 2nd registered night lines. No reply. Rations, so good under 4th Div, became so bad S.M. Div that urgent representation had to be made to H.Q. They have now improved and are excellent again and sufficient.
22nd - Neuve Eglise - Wonderfully quiet. 12 officers lecture at aerodrome on co-operation of artillery and aircraft. Captive balloon up day so unable to fire. Captain Lellar "Forward" located German Battery bearing 20° True. Premature and flash both seen.
23rd - Neuve Eglise
10am. - Light very bad. 3rd Bty tried to register but gave up.
4 pm. - 3rd Bty registered 1, 2 and 3. Orders recd only to fire fuze No 63 which were opened in England and that on percussion only. Result bad fuzes and absolute waste of good shell.
24th - Neuve Eglise
Each Battery fired 30 rounds registering very poor results only 1 shell in 10 burst rest blind. Major. Todd (Forward) located battery in 0.32. a. 5.5.
4.30-5.30pm. - Germans shelled all trenches heavily.
25th - Neuve Eglise
Germans shell Trenches 8, 9, and 10. in the morning and Wulverghem - Neuve Eglise and La Hutte ridge in afternoon.
5pm. - 3rd Battery fired but only observed 3 rounds out of 31. All the rest blind. These No63 Fuzes should never have been ordered to be fired, sheer waste. The liveliest 24 hours since our arrival.
26th - Neuve Eglise - Generally a quite day. No hostile shelling in our area, considerable firing N. and N.W. in the evening. All batteries fired in the afternoon, fuzes hopeless, as usual. Germans seen using road S.E. of Messines and telephone wires also seen running to a farm. (Belheen ?).
27th - Neuve Eglise
Gen Butler visited positions in the morning.
5pm. - 2nd Bty tried to register Belheen Farm. None observed.
English aeroplane chased German and drove him home but not before he had dropped 2 Green lights over trenches 1 and 3, then Germans immediately shelled trenches.
28th - Neuve Eglise
A quiet morning. (two lines deleted here).
4.pm. - 2nd Battery registered Belheen with No 65 Fuzes (turn over) then tried another point with No 63. no result.
5pm. - 10.4.2 shell put into Neuve Eglise, H.E. Shrapnel. Only damage to material. "Forward" nearly burnt out. 3 farms (homes) in neighbourhood set on fire but not ours.
29th - Neuve Eglise
11.15 am. - Enemy put 59 shell (4.2 previously) in farms 800yds east of 2nd Battery position, farm hit 3 or 4 times.
1pm. - 11 shell put into Neuve Eglise.
4pm. - 1st Battery opened up on believe Arty Observing Station. Observation balloon up in U.10. A. E. (prob) from 11am. to 1pm. and 2.30 to 3.45 pm.
31st - Neuve Eglise
Reconnaissance of 5 H.Q. positions with Brig Major (Major A. Murry-Smith)
3pm - 1st and 3rd Batteries tried to register new night lines. Hopeless with these fuzes.
May 1915
1st - Neuve Eglise
9am. - 2 x officers and 2 x N.C.O. from unit taken to see G.H.Q. positions.
3pm. - All batteries registered night lines (30 rounds). All opened No 63 fuzes condemned.
2nd - Neuve Eglise - Our quietest day to date till 3.30pm. when intermittent shelling began. German Observation station reported O.32.C. 7.5.
3rd - Neuve Eglise
A good deal of hostile shelling.
9-1pm. - 4 Little Willies round Leuwern Farm.
10am. - 18 White Hopes on to .55. (phosgene ?)
1.30pm. - 8 White Hopes on to .55. Neuve Eglise.
1.30pm-2pm. - 10 Little Willies near 3rd Bty.
9pm.-11.30pm. - 20 Little Willies near 3rd Bty. 1st and 2nd Bty's fired on observation station.
8pm. - 27th Bty came into action 400yds, S of H.Q. and came under O.C.
4th - Neuve Eglise - Quiet day Rained in afternoon. 27th Bty registered Petite Nouve.
5th - Neuve Eglise - Quiet on the whole. 1st and 2nd Bty's registered Bellheen.
6th - Neuve Eglise - 6.30am. - 8 shell fell in NEUVE EGLISE from 9am. onwards, rounds constant. Shelling of our trenches. Reconnaissance of subsidiary position.
7th - Neuve Eglise - Reconnaissance of G.H.Q. observation stations. Intermittent shelling of 2nd and 3rd Bty's positions. No damage. 3.pm. - We retaliated for fire on our own trenches and they stopped.
8th - Neuve Eglise - Quiet day. We retaliated at 4pm. and enemy stopped.
9th - Neuve Eglise - Demonstration in front of Division, 11.30 -12.30pm.; fired 12 rounds per battery and 60 rounds between 6 and 7 pm. The real work was down south near Festubert apparently. Our infantry continued firing during the night.
10th - Neuve Eglise - 11.am. - Checked night lines which were to far to the left-corrected.
11th - Neuve Eglise - Quiet day. Rounds in Neuve Eglise. Rest of entry illegible.
12th - Neuve Eglise - Quite Quiet. No Shelling.
13th - Neuve Eglise - Quiet. 8 rounds fell in Neuve Eglise.
14th - Neuve Eglise - Quiet. 10 rounds fell in Neuve Eglise.
15th - Neuve Eglise
11.am. - Germans shelled our trenches. We replied each time and they stopped. 9 rounds (6 blind) fell in to village. (N.E.)
3.15pm - 5.pm. - Commanded preparation of G.H.Q. positions. Two Canadian officers arrived to reconnoitre 2 positions to relive 27th Bty.
16th - Neuve Eglise - 12 noon. - Retaliated with 12 rounds opposite trench No 70. 8 rounds into village. 2 Canadians left and Major Poston-Brousson arrived to occupy 2 positions vice Canadians.
17th - Neuve Eglise - Wet morning. Abdominal light. No Shooting. Reconnoitred position with 42 Bty of K's Army (Kitcheners Army), C and D 51st Bde.
18th - Neuve Eglise - Wet and misty day. Bad light. 11pm. - 27th Bty left. C/51 and D/51 due pm. But did not arrive till 11.15pm. Result clashed with 27th Bty, Captain Stone and Lt Escourt sent to help find them. Reported in action C/51 at 1.30 am. D/51. at 3.30 am. Lieutenants Wells and Noyes of 23rd Division attached for 14 day course.
19th - Neuve Eglise - Very bad light, quiet.
20th - Neuve Eglise - Again bad light and quiet. 1st and 3rd Batteries withdrawn and A/51 and B/51 occupy their positions.
20th - Neuve Eglise - Colonel Carter Commander 51st Bde takes over tactical command.
21st - Neuve Eglise - 2nd Bty engaged working party. Ammunition real bad, many rounds failed to burst the fuze could be heard ----- pect [?] primers in shell.
22nd to 24th - Neuve Eglise - Nothing to report.
25th - Neuve Eglise - Nothing to report. subsidiary and C. A. R. [?] positions finished.
26th - Neuve Eglise - Nothing to report. Light very good again.
27th - Neuve Eglise - Selected and occupied new observing station on .55 for 2nd Bty and H.Q.
28th - Neuve Eglise - 3rd Bty in future send subsection to trench No 71 to observe, as the trees coming out have made observation very difficult. No1 Bty now observe from .55 also.
29th - Neuve Eglise - Quiet 6 x 5.9 How's into Neuve Eglise. First time shell over 4.2 been fired into village.
30th - Neuve Eglise - 20 x rounds into and around village. One fell 120 yds from this billet.
31st - Neuve Eglise - 3rd Bty observing station selected on .55. The shell we have are very old mostly made 1900-1901, Fuzes all dated 1902, Cartridges 1899 - 1901, occasionally we find shell of 1906.
June 1915
1st - Neuve Eglise - A quiet day. Nothing to report.
2nd - Neuve Eglise - Nothing to report.
3rd - Neuve Eglise - Quite quiet. C.O. and Adjt went round subsidiary line with - - - - - - Inf Bde Cmdr and his Bde Major.
4th - Neuve Eglise
10am. - 51st Brigade withdrew and 1st and 3rd Batteries returned to their old positions. B/50 took over position near this office and came under Tactical orders of O.C. Brigade.
11pm. - All batteries in position and lines laid.
5th - Neuve Eglise
The Germans have recently bought up some new guns to this front at least 2 x 5.9 Howitzers and 2 x French 4.7 guns.
3.45pm. - Which have been recognised but not located? In the afternoon they put 7 x 4.2 around 3rd Bty one hit a dugout and splinters hit a wagon but otherwise no damage. They then set their fire to far in front of the Bty but it cost them 80 - 100 shells.
6th - Neuve Eglise - Nothing of interest except some 30 rds were fired round the observing stations on .55. Opinions differ as to whether 4.2 or bigger.
7th - Neuve Eglise - A good deal of spasmodic shelling of our trenches to which we replied, twice with effect on to the batteries located by aeroplane in 0.33. a. -- , In the afternoon a working party was located in 0.32.c and successfully engaged.
8th - Neuve Eglise
6.45am - A working party observed N. of Belleem Farm U.3. B. O. 2. and engaged.
7.15am. - The party was observed in the morning and was shelled, they appear to be erecting a small hut screen. A quiet day on the whole.
10 pm. - B/63 relieved B/50. 2/Lt. Wallace in command.
9th - Neuve Eglise - 8am. - B/63 registered Petite Douve. In the afternoon intermittent shelling of Wulverghem Road, Plugstreet Wood, Neuve Eglise and around .55 otherwise very quiet. We have not fired, light very bad.
10th - Neuve Eglise - 4am. - Bad thunderstorm during the night. German mine exploded outside Plugstreet but did not disturb us. Light very bad until 5.30 pm. then Germans shelling all along our line and on Wulverghem Road. We retaliated as long as we could. They fired some 80 x 4.2 all told, up to dark.
11th - Neuve Eglise
8 - 11.30. - Intermittent shelling of Wulverghem Road and neighbourhood.
3pm. - 6 rds in Neuve Eglise more or less steady shelling all afternoon. Some 130 rounds in this area.
12th - Neuve Eglise - 1.45 am. - 3rd Bty "Flash Alarm" 7½ minutes from handing in of message to 1st gun, Bad, must improve. Fairly quiet day. Reconnaissance by C.O. and Adjt of forward Wirecutting positions.
13th - Neuve Eglise - 3am. - 3rd Bty, "Flash Alarm" time reduced to 4½ minutes, not good enough. A quiet day. Village shelled time 10 sec's.
14th - Neuve Eglise - A quiet day on the whole. In conjunction with Howitzers shelled farm 0.32.C.61 village (Neuve Eglise) shelled in afternoon. 6.45.am. - Shells pitching further up. Time 11sec's. Battery is in O.33. A., we think.
15th - Neuve Eglise - A quite day. Afternoon reconnoitre of wire cutting position.
16th - Neuve Eglise - Quiet. Tested new fuze [No 80] - - - - - - found - - be seen as per No 65.
17th - Neuve Eglise - Quiet Nothing to report.
18th - Neuve Eglise - Very quiet indeed. Further reconnaissance of wire cutting position.
19th - Neuve Eglise - Quite quiet.
20th - Neuve Eglise - Working party located in 0.2.a.5.w. and shelled otherwise quiet. Battery shelled Neuve Eglise and - - - - - - - in o.32.d.
21st - Neuve Eglise - Very Quiet.
22nd - Neuve Eglise - Nothing to report.
23rd - Neuve Eglise - As usual quite quiet. 2 Canadian officers arrived to take over.
25th - Neuve Eglise - 2 heavy thunderstorms. Quiet.
26th - Neuve Eglise - Quiet. Handed over during the day to 2nd Canadian Brigade R.F.A. and then marched via Bailleul to Outtersteene, arriving at 2am. - Neuve Eglise - All reports - - - - Our - - - - - from Petit Farm to Wulvercued. Next line Ineligible.
27th - Neuve Eglise - 9pm. - A good billet. In evening Bde marched to Veux Berquin arriving about 11pm. and there billeted. The brigade is now part of group C and under G.O.C. 14th Inf Bde with which it is now marching. Groups A and B marched 2 and 1 day ahead respectively. Each group is self contained with a company of R.L. and A and C and a section of Field ambulance. Rain heavy during afternoon but fine march.
28th - Veux Berquin - 6pm. - Good billets. At 6pm. Brigade marched via Merville to Ribecq arriving about 11.15pm. and 11.15pm. billeted for the night. A cool march with occasional rain. Nothing bad.
29th - Ribecq - Rained on and off during the day. Not bad. Good billets. 6pm. - Marched via Lillers to Ferfay arriving about 11.15pm. Billeted in Chateau, battery lines in Chateau grounds, 2 heavy storms during march, good. billet but water 1½ mile away, rather spoils it. G.O.C. R.A. inspected Bde on line of march.
30th - Ferfay - Occasional rain in morning day spent in inspections etc. No casualties of any sort during the march to men or horses. Very satisfactory.
July 1915
1st - Ferfay - The day was spent in inspections and general cleaning up.
2nd - Ferfay - 1st and 2nd Batteries inspection in marching order.
3rd - Ferfay - 3rd Battery and Ammunition Column inspection in marching order.
4th - Ferfay - Sunday Quiet day for all ranks. Church parade in evening. Lieut. A. C. R. Croom-Johnson returned from trench mortar school.
5th - Ferfay - Reconnaissance of positions for night "Exercise" with 144th Inf Bde in woods east of Alleuagne. Omitted from 27th June, Lieut. Croom-Johnson left for course at trench mortar school XT V.
6th - Ferfay - Reconnaissance of routes to starting points in case of attack, also for fields for drill. 6pm. - Officers and Telephonists left to take part in exercise with infantry. Lieut. A.C.R. Croom-Johnso left to take command of Trench Mortar Battery. Leave for 1x officer and 3 men, per Bde sanctioned.
7th - Ferfay - 4.30am. - Night operations over and all returned to billets usual drills.
8th - Ferfay - All units route march.
9th - Ferfay - Usual drills. Reconnaissance of 1st Div positions by C.O. and Adjt.
10th - Ferfay - Usual drills. Major Browne on reconnaissance with Infantry.
11th - Ferfay - Church Parade and camp inspections. Reconnaissance of advanced 2nd line positions. 2nd Lieut. B.G. James left for attachment (on probation) to R.F.C.
12th - Ferfay
1pm. - 3x BC's, reconnaissance officers and Bde - - - - - - officer proceeded to Hazingarbe. To take over position from 47th Div.
2pm. - 1 section from each battery left for same place.
6 pm. - They marched via Houchin and reached Marincarbe at 11.15, the column then halted.
13th - Ferfay
12.30am. - Then the column then returned to Ferfay.
10.30 am. - Arriving here at 10.30 am.
9.am. - The sections which had remained behind, had driving drills on the common.
13th - Ferfay - Lieut. W. A. Todd transferred from Ammo Column to 2nd Bty. - - - - - - now belongs to 4th Corps of 1st Army together with - - - - 27th.(2nd London).
14th - Ferfay - 10am. - One Battery driving drill and reoccupation of positions.
15th - Ferfay - 11am. - As 14th. Notified that Bde is to be at once re-equipped with 18 pdr Q.F. Great rejoicings.
16th - Ferfay - 10am. - One Bty as above.
17th - Ferfay - Usual drills Capt. Boyce left for billeting in new area.
18th - Ferfay - Preparing to move.
19th - Ferfay
5am. - Lieut. Lane and 4 N.C.O's left for billeting area.
6pm - Bde H.Q. and 1st Bty left for Cahteau Dyinnisdal, Ferfay.
11pm. - Left Liliers Station.
20th - Liliers
3am. - 2nd Bty left station by train for Mondicourt.
7am. - 3rd Bty left station by train for Mondicourt.
5.40pm. - Ammo Column left station by train for Mondicourt. The Brigade arrived and detrained at the following hours:
6.50 am. - Bde H.Q. and1st Battery.
11.30am. - 2nd Battery.
3.15pm. - 3rd Battery.
21st - Thievres
4am. - Ammunition Column. After detraining the Brigade marched to Billets at Thievres (Lefebvre).
6am. - Brigade drew 12 x18pr. Q.F. guns and 36 Ammo Wagons. (8 per battery + 12 for A.C.) from Doullens.
2pm. - 7th Corps Commander Lieut-Gen Snow and - - - inspected the guns.
4pm. - Capt. Boyce rejoined.
22nd - Thievres - Gun drill and laying, three Sergt instructors were lent by O.C.14th F.A. Brigade for 4 days on the new gun. The Brigade now forms part of new 7th Corps with 4th Div and 18th Division. The new 3rd Army (General Monroe) consist of 7th and 18th Corps.
23rd & 24th - Thievres - Gun Drill, laying. Exercise.
25th - Thievres - Gun Drill, laying. Exercise.
8 Guns and 24 wagons and 2 G.S., wagons of 15 pr B.L.C. equipment entrained at Doullens.
4 guns sent to Beauval for 51st Div Arty.
4 G.S. Wagons to 4th Div A.C. and 6 to - - - -?
26th - Thievres - Drills as usual. 6pm. - 3rd battery left and went in to action near Sailly.
27th - Thievres - Gun drill, laying etc.
28th - Thievres - Gun drill, laying etc. 2/Lieut. R. J. Taynton and 19 men of 1st reinforcements arrived from Harve.
29th - Thievres - Drills as usual.
30th - Thievres - 12 noon.- Drills as usual. Lieut-Col. Wise, Major Todd, Capt. Boyce and Lieut. Gedye left for Sailly to prepare for arrival of the Brigade.
31st - Sailly - 6.30. - The Brigade less 3rd Battery left Thievres for Sailly and Wagon lines and Amm Column at Coigneux. We are now Brigaded with 144th Inf Bde. Batteries reported in position by 11 pm, splendid positions very well dug by the French 51st Regt from whom we took over 1st from 4th and 2nd from 6th, 3rd occupy empty positions.
August 1915
1st & 2nd - Colincamps - In addition to our three batteries, the following are also under tactical Command of O.C. Brigade. Batteries and 3rd S.M. Brigade and 3rd Battery of 2nd Bde. The whole are grouped with 144th Inf Bde. Batteries registering.
2nd - Colincamps - Much time occupied in laying telephone lines. Attached diagram (not available here) shows communications as at present arranged. Very bad thunderstorms, swapping Bty positions, at 4am. Registering.
3rd - Colincamps - Registering. The office work caused by 6 batteries is colossal quite interferes with anything else being done.
4th - Colincamps - A working party on a sap-head was successfully engaged by 2nd Bty in the early hours. In the afternoon 3rd Bty took on a Machine gun with H.E. most successfully.
5th - Colincamps - It is such a treat having 18pr's they are shooting splendidly and fuzes are quite good. We now know we can hit what we try to. The Infantry have remarked on the good shooting and have twice asked for retaliation each occasion expressed satisfaction.
6th - Colincamps - The positions of Batteries in action are shown on attached rough plan (not available here). Road 200 yds S. of 2nd Bty shelled very heavily with ? 9.30pm. - 2nd Warwick Battery withdrawn. Zones re-adjusted.
7th - Colincamps - 1st Warwick Battery withdrawn. Further re-adjustment of zone. Road again shelled very heavily.
8th - Colincamps - ½ 3rd Worcester Battery withdrawn and replaced by ½ of 2nd Battery. This change of position by 2nd Battery is done in order to be able to Fire more to the right and to bring more enfilade fire.
9th - Colincamps - One of the worst thunderstorms, I have known all dug-outs were badly swapped, 2 foot of water and over in some of them. Two guns of 1st Bty had their breech's under water and were out of action for 2 hours. Remainder of Worcester Battery withdrawn and 2nd Bty completed the change of position.
10th - Colincamps - A quiet day, after the storm. The Germans generally put some 6" into the village each day but so far without damage. On - - - one round fell 10 yds from Bde office and billet.
11th - Colincamps - A quiet day. Two German planes flew over in the evening.
12th - Colincamps - A quiet day. Registering continued trench mortar located .571
13th - Colincamps - Nothing particular to report. The Germans are working hard on some 6 saps in our zone and we fire whenever observed provided that sausage (Balloon) not up.
14th - Colincamps
4.30am. - Engaged a sap with 2nd Bty in conjunction with1st Howitzer Battery. Reconnoitring for Observing stations to see the right of our zone.
11pm. - 2nd Worcester Battery in action and came under orders of O.C. Brigade. Task allotted "A Swinger" (?) with night lines extreme right.
15th - Colincamps - Registration continued by all Batteries. Reconnaissance.
16th - Colincamps - Nothing to report. Very little shelling in our zone. 3rd Bty position shelled by 12 - 6", No damage.
17th - Colincamps - Central Observing Station shelled with "Little Willies". No damage done.
18th - Colincamps - Very Quiet. Very heavy storm in morning and light bad all day. Reconnaissance of wire cutting positions.
19th - Colincamps - Bad Light till 1pm. When registration was proceeded with. Ammunition limited to 188 rds per Brigade for the week. Reconnaissance continued.
20th - Colincamps - The Germans shelled Central Observing station with field guns in the Morning. Flashes were observed at bearing of 93° but Major Todd, who saw them is of the opinion that they were "Puffs" (decoy). A field gun Battery has come in to action E. of Serre Wood, and probably the "Puffs" are a blind for this new position. The sausage has changed to position further south bearing 104.½°. Both above bearings from Central C.34 C.2.9.
21st - Colincamps - All B type S.A.A. handed in. A quiet day and dull weather. No sausages up result very little German firing but we were able to continue registering.
22nd - Colincamps - A considerable amount of hostile shelling fire today 40 - 50 into this village, then on to Central, then around 3rd Bty, then back to this village. No damage also 6 fell near Courcelles. 11pm. - 3rd Bty dispersed 2 working parties just south of .872. Balloon up most of day.
23rd - Colincamps - Balloon up all day. German fired frequently 2 or 3 rds on to Infantry who were visible going too and fro for the Bde relief. Fire was of course directed by the sausage. We have no sausage up today. It was French and only once have we had any information from it. Reconnaissance of rear positions. 11.15pm. - Infantry called on 3rd Bty to fire on a working party at pt .301 complied with, in one round work ceased.
24th - Colincamps - 3rd Bty had a gun out today, It was taken out during the night and is in action in a crop of Clover. It is a "piece de service" and would retaliate whether the sausage is up or not. 30 rounds are dumped we can't spare more on a allowance of 62 per Bty, per week. The morning was very quite, in fact the whole day, so the gun did not fire except just to check line as soon as it was light. Lieut. A. G. Alexander to 1st Bty. Lt's Pulford and Guild to 2nd Bty and Lt. Webster to 3rd Bty are attached for 14 days course. C.O. was shelled thanks to people on road behind.
9pm. - 2nd Worcester Battery withdrawn to its wagon lines and left the command.
5.30 pm. - 2nd Bty fired on working party in sap F.6. A .37. and it later dispersed.
11.45pm. - Working partying in sap F.6. a. 58. Result V.S.
7.45pm. - 1st Bty fired on machine gun in sap .310.
8.50 pm. - 1st Bty fired on machine gun in sap. Transport on Serre - Puisieux Road and again at 11 pm.
11pm. - All above on request of infantry. Transport galloped off.
6.20pm. - Central was again shelled. People will walk about on the road behind. Only a Divisional order will stop it I fear.
6.30pm. - Cyclists use the Serre - Puisieux Road daily.
25th - Colincamps - Very hazy day and observation very difficult. Reconnaissance of new observing stations. It is noticed how much more often the Infantry call on us for support now that we have 18prs. Very quite day no movements to report. Only four rounds fired.
26th - Colincamps - The light has been very bad the last few days and no sausage has been up. Nothing could be seen till 9am. today. 8am. - Another quite day. The 29th Bde, took over 1st and 2nd Bty Zones at 8am. today but we still remain covering the zone too for the present. 2nd Bty had a gun out but there was no firing. 10pm. - 143rd Bde now withdrawn (10pm.) and 3rd Bty cover 5th Bn, Glos. (145th Bde).
26th - Colincamps - Infantry called on 2nd Bty to fire on Working party in sap 311, which was successfully completed within 2 rounds.
27th - Colincamps
A quite morning and no shooting in our zone by either side.
1pm - Orders received for 1st Bty to change position at night and the Brigade to quit its old Zone 314 - 301, and take up new line 304 to 150° N of .863. The Batteries will cover the zone in the following order from Right to Left 2nd Bty, 3rd Bty,1st Bty. The two former not having to change position registered their new night lines during the afternoon.
10.5pm. - 1st Battery reported in new position (which is alongside 3rd Bty) and lines laid. All Batteries were duly in communication with their new infantry by ?
9am. - During the afternoon 2nd Bty and 3rd Bty both called by Infantry to retaliate which was done most successfully.
11pm. - 1st Bty called on to engage Working party at PT. 869. but as they had not began registering. 3rd Bty were turned on successfully. (switched to the target).
28th - Colincamps - 1st Battery began registration of its new zone. The 1st Battery new observing station is by the cemetery in Hebuterne, so the observer is almost at right angle to his line of fire which takes the trenches almost in enfilade. It is excellent for observing for range but difficult for line and it was found necessary to have a observer at central to assist in the later. A quite day, heavy rains at night.
29th - Colincamps - Some 27 Little Willies fell on road between Hebuterne and Central during the morning, No damage, otherwise quite afternoon. Some 24 more L W's in same place as this morning. 3rd Bty registered new machine gun positions at C.30.C.17 and near .873. Heavy rain from 5.30 pm. till 10pm and also sharp storms during the night.
30th - Colincamps
8.05am. - Balloon (German) up E. of Serre for 5 minutes. New work at 3 of .863 located. Men working driven off by 1st Bty.
9.40am. - Balloon up. 16 W.L's during morning on to Carriere same place as yesterday.
In the afternoon they fired 8 more. Two casements for guns located at D.32 A.6.6 and one at D.26.C.5.6.
8pm. - 3rd Bty called on to engage relief's in communication trench at point .374.
29th - Colincamps - Omitted from 29th - 2nd Lieuts F. Ellerton and W. F. Ridler joined for duty from England and are attached to A.C.
31st - Colincamps
Balloon up today, Germans shelled our trenches opposite 1st Bty.
11.30am. - 1st Bty retaliated successfully German gun appeared to be 4.2 '. Germans also shelled Carriere again with Little Willies.
2.30 pm. - Infantry called on 1st Bty and 4 rounds fired. Very quite in our sector during the afternoon and evening. Cluster of Red Lights at 8.1pm. and at 11.36.pm., but nothing noted afterwards.
September 1915
1st - Colincamps - A quite Morning. 2nd Bty has a "piece de service" out. 11am. - 7 men reinforcements arrived all Drivers. 1 for 3rd Bty and 6 for A.C. Balloon up at 7.15am. down at 12.30.pm. when it clouded over, very wet from 2pm. onwards. It seems almost certain that an 8" Howitzer has just come up against us. Quiet evening.
2nd - Colincamps
11am. - 1st Bty has a gun out. A few 5.9"s in this direction about but did not reach the village. Cloudy morning and frequent shower of rain. Only very little field gun firing in our zone.
3.30pm. - In afternoon smoke from 2 trains seen in Achiet-le-Petit.
4.15pm. - German transport and 4 working parties loading up wagons seen W. of same village.
3rd - Colincamps - Very quite morning. No firing in our zone. 1pm. - Bde H.Q. closed here and opened at new billet at Hebuterne. All wires to Central cut by 8 Little Willies, during the afternoon.
4th - Hebuterne - Intermittent shelling of our trenches an Carriere. 2.25pm. - 2nd Bty engaged working party T. 6. a. 7.5. successfully, later 3rd retaliated for 20 Little Willies. Smoke observed coming from casemates D.32. a. .56.
5th - Hebuterne - 9.30 am. - 3rd retaliated by request of infantry with 6 rounds, Hostile fire appeared to come from .909 N.E. Serre. Work seen in progress in trench J.1 a.88 during afternoon and also men working in fields near .311. Reconnaissance of wire cutting positions.
6th - Hebuterne - No hostile arty fire in our zone from 12 noon 5th to 12 noon 6 for 1st time. A good deal of work has been done on E. side of Puisieux - Serre Road the last few days. Two horsemen and 2 working seen in G.3.
7th - Hebuterne
5am. - The four officers attached to batteries left for England again.
7am. - Working party, stopped by 1st Bty in C.30.a.9.1. In afternoon 3rd Bty retaliated opposite trench 29. Recognisance of wire cutting positions.
8th - Hebuterne
9.30am. - German plane over Central 9.30am. and 11.41am.
1 pm. - 3rd Bty stopped working party in C. 29. d. 10.3.
12.45pm. - 3rd engaged Machine Gun successfully with H.E. by request of infantry.
2.30 & 5.20.pm. - 1st retaliated on request of infantry.
9th - Hebuterne - Thick mist till 10am. A quite day. 2nd Lieuts Ellerton and Ridler attached to 3rd and 1st Bty's respectively.
10th - Hebuterne - Hostile aeroplanes very active in morning, three over at once. A quite day. Ammn Column moved to Authie and are billeted there.
11th - Hebuterne - A quite Day. Hebuterne shelled 8-9.30pm. 3rd retaliated. No casualties by ourselves. All batteries now have billets in this village.
12th - Hebuterne - 2.45pm. - 3rd Bty retaliated on trenches opposite trench 28. by request of infantry. Intermittent shelling in afternoon into Hebuterne and round battery positions. 2nd successfully engaged working party in 4th Div area by request of their infantry.
13th - Hebuterne - A quite day. Completion of reconnaissance of wire cutting positions.
14th - Hebuterne - A quiet morning, occasional shells on S. edge of Hebuterne. Nothing to report for afternoon. 9pm. - 1st Bty preparing wire cutting position. A gun is out every day now; 1st Bty, Mondays and Thursdays, 2nd Bty, Tuesdays and Fridays, 3rd Bty, Wednesday and Saturdays.
15th - Hebuterne - Quiet morning. Major Lattey of 2nd S.M. Bde, preparing wire cutting position for 1 section of his battery to be attached to us. German shelled this village 12.55am to 1.15pm. we retaliated successfully on Puisieux and they stopped, they put 6 more in at 5.30pm. but did no damage.
16th - Hebuterne - Conference of OC's and Adjt' s by C.R.A. Quite morning and afternoon.
17th - Hebuterne
9.45am. - O.C. 1st, located battery by smoke in D.26. a. n. e., it had been putting a few shells just N. of this village.
5.15pm. - 20 - 30 15prs put into this village. We retaliated on Puisieux + the Howitzers on Gimmecourt Wood. German stopped but then turned a 9 cm. Battery on to1st Bty and 5.9 on to 3rd Bty. No damage.
18th - Hebuterne
9am. - 3 rounds into this village, we put 9 into Puisieux.
5.30pm. - 4 rounds into this village, we out 6 into Puisieux. Otherwise a quite day.
19th - Hebuterne - The Germans did a good deal more shelling then usual but nevertheless it was very indiscriminate. Afternoon quiet.
20th - Hebuterne - A quite day in our zone. 5.30pm. - Test replenishment of Ammunition by C.R.A.
21st - Hebuterne
11am. - Conference of C.O.'s and Adjutants by C.R.A. at H.Q. 2nd Bde.
3pm to 3.30pm. - Shelled Puisieux 60 rounds in all. Germans retaliated on this village at 6pm with 40 rounds. (about) but not after the evening shoot. 2nd Lieut J. D. Challen (H.A.C.) attached from 155th Bde R. F. A.
22nd - Hebuterne - A quite morning in our zone also afternoon.
23rd - Hebuterne
11am. - Conference of C.O.'s and Adjutants by C.R.A. at H.Q. 2nd Bde.
3pm. - 1st Bty, shelled pt.869 with 37 rounds and Lalovier Farm 60 H.E. 2nd Bty, communication trench pt. 877 with 40 shrapnel. 3rd Bty, pt . 863 with 20 shrapnel in conjunction with 4th S. M. (How) Bde.
4pm. - 1st Bty, wire cutting pt. 873 and 2nd Bty at pt. 301, each 75 rds shrapnel. The later was V. S. result of former difficult to see owing to poor light. 3rd Bty, 40 H.E. on pt.863.
5pm. - 8 rounds from 2nd Bty into Puisieux. 3 Bty, 20 rounds shrapnel on pt .871 in conjunction with Howitzers. 1st Bty finished ammunition allotted at 3pm on same points. The Germans fired very little retaliation. None into this village. 3rd Bty had one casualty, wounded.
11pm. - 2nd Bty moved to 1st Bty position and 1st Bty moved to wire cutting position at C.28.d.2.4. New maps received. (Next two lines of War Diary illegible).
24th - Hebuterne - 1 section of 2nd F. A. Bde under Major Lattey occupied wire cutting position alongside 1st Bty.
1.30 am. - Wire Cutting position alongside 1st Bty, morning quiet.
2.30pm. - 2nd Bty cut wire successfully at pt .863,120 rounds, range 2866. The wire well enfiladed and it was old wire it was done with a section. The other section bombarded pt .869, pt .368. on 3rd line trenches with100 H.E. The wire was enfiladed and was ½ old and ½ new. In both these cases a lane was cut clean through.
4pm. - 3rd Bty cut wire successfully at pt. 311. as yesterday old wire cut but little or no impression on new wire here, 200 rounds, range 2675.
4.30pm. - 2nd Bty fired 20 rounds Shrapnel at trenches S.W. of La Louviere Farm.
5pm. - 2nd Bty fired 12 rounds Shrapnel on Puisieux.
5.30pm. - 2nd Bty co-operating with 4th (How) Bde fired 40 rounds shrapnel on La Louviere Farm.
11pm. - The section of 2nd Bde withdrawn. 1st and 2nd Bty's returned to their former positions. During the night 14 rounds were fired at working party at pt.873 and at pt .863.
25th - Hebuterne
A quiet morning. G.O.C.R.A. inspected 3rd Battery position.
12 noon. - 2nd Bty wire cutting pt.301,157 Shrapnel and 25 H.E. The wire at this point is about 100 to 150 yards deep in heavy coils very thick. Patrols report it is not barbed, and it is very thick "some of it as thick as ones little finger", the wire is undoubtedly cut but the lane does not go up to the desired point. It will require much more attention, It should be noted that best results on this were reported as being obtained with H.E.
2pm. - 3rd Bty completed wire cutting on pt. 873 with 430 shrapnel and 56 H.E. 1st Bty shelled sap - head pt.873 with 25 H.E.
3.15pm. - 1st Bty shelled trenches 371 to 368 15 H.E.
4.15pm. - 3rd shelled trenches point 869. 10 H.E.
6pm. - 1s shelled trenches Puisieux, 10 shrapnel and 10 H.E. 1st La Louviere Farm. In conjunction with How's 10 shrapnel.
7.30pm. - 3rd Battery moved to the old 1st Battery Position. During night, 1st Bty fired 14 shrapnel at point 873 and 4 at pt. 863. 2nd Bty fired 12 shrapnel at point 301.
26th - Hebuterne
6am. - 1st Bty put 12 rounds into Puisieux and 14 rounds into La Louviere Farm. A quiet day No working parties seen.
5pm. - 2nd Bty fired H.E. at pt .301 parapet with success practically. (next line illegible).
27th - Hebuterne - 12.15am. - Orders received not to fire today at all unless the enemy attacked consequently very quite. Practically no German shelling.
28th - Hebuterne - Orders as for 27th, very quite practically no German shelling.
29th - Hebuterne - About 26 Little Willies on to our trenches and communication trenches during the morning. We did not reply.
30th - Hebuterne - Orders as for 27th to continue until further notice, unless permission is obtained from 48th Div Arty. 1pm.to 1.20. - Heavy bombardment of the whole of our fire support and communication trenches some 100 to 150 shells of various sizes coming over. Possibly to find out what has become of our artillery during the last few days. No reply was made.
October 1915
1st - Hebuterne - Very quite all day. Reported that the whole of the wire at point .863 (k19 to19.) and part of the wire at pt.873 (k19d.2.6) has been repaired. Capt C. E. Boyce R.F.A. who for nearly 4 years has held the post of Adjutant of the Brigade left to take up duty with 15th Division.
2nd - Hebuterne - Very quiet only two shells on our zone.
3rd - Hebuterne - Heavy mist all morning. Two German working parties seen repairing front line trench. Our guns did not fire. Capt G. R. Benson R.F.A. arrived and took up duties as Adjutant.
(The format of the War Diary changes from the above date, everything now is mostly recorded in the summary apart from some timings.)
4th - Hebuterne - 77cm gun dropped10 shells in Hebuterne and 3 shells on 2nd Bty O.P. at Carriere, also 3 shells near Central. In the afternoon more intermittent German shelling. Our guns did not fire. German balloon went up at 2.30pm. till 4.10pm. several signs of movement.
5th - Hebuterne - Quiet and misty. A few German rounds on our trenches and Hebuterne. Afternoon observation very difficult. About 40 shell on various points of our line.
6th - Hebuterne - Too misty for observation till 8am. 12 rounds on Hebuterne from 77c.m. gun during the morning. Several prematures were observed by O.C. 3rd Bty near L 25 a. 6. 3. Hebuterne Bombardment during afternoon from 77mm, several not exploding.
7th - Hebuterne - Thick mist all morning. About 20 field gun shells into our line. Just before noon O.C. 3rd Bty again spotted discharge from gun, but not good enough to engage on one observation.
Afternoon - A German working party observed by O.C. 1st Bty repairing trench at K.117 c.2.7.
4.30 - 5.30pm - German field guns bombarded the 4th Div on our right, and two shells fell near 2nd Bty O.P.
9 pm. - A fire was seen in direction of Bucquoy.
8th - Hebuterne - Morning clearer. Two -------- of 6 field gun shells each, about 8am. near Hebuterne and on our right flank.
2 pm. - 6 rounds field gun on communication trench just E. of Hebuterne.
3.3-5pm. - About 40 field gun shell and some trench mortars on support trenches at K.28 G.
9th - Hebuterne - Morning very misty again. Very quite till afternoon. 12.45pm - 6pm. - About 10 scattered 77mm rounds in sectors H and J. Evening Misty.
10th - Hebuterne - Misty 11.20 am 20 77mm in K 16a communication trenches close to Hebuterne.
12.30pm. - 12 x 77mm on fire trenches in sector G and H.
1.55pm. - German aeroplane close over 1st Bty O.P.
3pm. - 12 rounds from 105mm Howitzer fell on trench K. 29 C.
11th - Hebuterne - Clear morning.
5.50 am. - 3 rounds 77mm into trench 23.
9.10am. - German biplane flying south over our trenches low.
10.50am. - A few rounds 77mm on support trenches in K.16 .6.
11.45am. - German heavy field gun shot 4 rounds at Sailly.
3pm. - 8 77mm H.E. shells fell into 2nd Bty O.P. Carriere.
7.30 pm. - German searchlight. (next line missing)
12th - Hebuterne - Too misty to observe till 9am. when 3 77mm dropped near Carriere. Quite morning.
1.10pm - 1.20pm. - Germans shelled Hebuterne, 2nd Bty at Carriere, and trenches.
2.40pm. - German aeroplane flying N. NE. Balloon up till 5pm.
3.45pm. - 12 English aeroplanes flew E. and set fire to something in ACIET railway station. At the same time 2nd, 3rd and 4th Brigades carried out an enterprise in direction of Gommecourt Wood.
13th - Hebuterne
11.40am. - Very quite morning.
to 2.30pm. - ------- shelling at -------- to which we replied.
3pm. - 1st Bty fired at a German working party at K 17 6.13 with effect.
3.30 to 3.5pm. German heavies shelled Sailly and Colincamp. Balloon up.
4.30pm. - Balloon down.
5.pm. - Some further shelling of our communication trenches.
14th - Hebuterne - Thick mist. All quite till 3.45pm. when1st Bty served on a working party. Scattered German bombardment at 6 pm. - 3 tremendous explosions in the line, but mist too thick. Probably Ariel Torpedoes. (?)
15th - Hebuterne - Thick fog all morning. till 11.45am. 5.pm. - 25 x 77mm in trench 32 K 23.6. 73. Mist again all evening.
16th - Hebuterne - Thick fog all morning. Intermittent bombardment of our front trench began about 2.30 pm. At 2.40 the brigade fired 23 rounds on German trench about K 17 d. 21. feeble retaliation at 4pm.
17th - Hebuterne - Fog all morning. At 11.35am. the Brigade fired 27 rounds on to ------- about L14.c.58. north of Puisieux. This must have annoyed the Germans as they then proceeded to put about 300 rounds on Sailly and Hebuterne. All calibres, chiefly 5.9 How. 4 men wounded Hebuterne, 3 men reported killed and many more injured at Sailly. The Brigade fired 26 rounds into Puisieux, and so did other of our guns, but it did not check bombardment.
9.30 -10.30am. - German shelled Hebuterne and trenches 21 and 32 with heavy howitzers, and 2nd Bty with field guns. We fired 12 rounds in support of the infantry.
12.15pm. - The Germans shelled our trenches 21, 32, and 34. with minenwerfer, 5.9 Howitzer, and 8.2 Howitzers (1st appearance here) about 350 rounds there and in Hebuterne. Trench 32 was completely blotted out, but only one infantry officer and one man was killed there, many were wounded. We replied at 3.25 pm. with 56 rounds on German front line from K11.d. 20. to K. 17.d.41. and in K. 23.6. The other ------- and our heavies and the infantry cooperated also with an aeroplane. The aeroplane saw hundreds of black objects suggested to be gas cylinders in the German front line pointing to our line. They were five or six feet apart and stretched side by side from Gommecourt to Beaumont Hamel. Prepared for gas attack. 2nd Battery kept Germans opposite, our mined trench 32 busy with occasional bursts of fire from 6pm to 8 pm.
19th - Hebuterne - Quiet all morning. Infantry carry out relief's today. 144th Brigade replaced145th Bde, misty. In the afternoon the Germans continued bombarding ------ ruined Trench 32 with 8.2 Howitzers and trench mortars about 16 rounds as well as setting a few field gun shells on our observing station. The 1st Battery at 3.30pm. discovered German Arty Officers quarters in front of trench K17.6.16.80 and shelled them.
20th - Hebuterne - Thick mist all morning and very quite. From 12 noon till 2.45.pm enemy shelled our trenches with about15 field gun shell, and also 2nd Bty O.S. with about 40 rounds.
21st - Hebuterne - Another quite misty morning. 1.20pm. - Germans again shelled trenches on various points with about 12 77mm. rounds and 2nd Bty O.S. with about 20 rounds till 3.15pm.
22nd - Hebuterne
Misty morning. A few 77mm rounds on K 23 a. at 8.10am.
10am-11.30am. - Heavy bombardment of 4th Div trenches -- ----- with 5.9″ and trench mortars.
At 2 pm. a German Biplane flew over Hebuterne.
3.15pm. - 18 x 77mm rounds near Central O.S. K21 6 124.
3.15pm. - 1st Bty fired 6 rounds at a working party K 28. 6. 04. and stopped them working.
9.45pm. - 2nd Bty fired 5 rounds on night lines.
23rd - Hebuterne
Very misty and quite until 10 am.
3.15pm. - 1st Bty fired 6 rounds at a working party K 28. 6. 04. and stopped them working.
10-11am. - German shelled our trenches and Central O.S. with 20 77mm.
3.15pm. - 1st Bty fired 6 rounds at a working party K 28. 6. 04. and stopped them working.
At 11.45am. a German aeroplane was seen flying over Puisieux.
Afternoon. - 12.30 - 4.15 enemy directed about 50 77mm rounds scatted over various points in our line.
At 3.30 pm. We carried out a bombardment assisted by the rest of the Division.
The 1st Bty fired 4 rds H.E. in trenches K 17. 6. 29. to K 17. 6. 06. and K 17. 6. 35. 25. to K 17.d .47. 2nd Bty 20 rds H.E. on K 17. 6. 41. to K 23.
6. 58. 3rd Bty 40 H.E. on enemy's 2nd line K 17. d. 41. to K 17. d. 41. ---- ------ G.O.C. congratulated the Brigade on fine shooting. Enemy made feeble reply. 3rd Bty spotted a dummy flash battery but was not taken in for long. During the evening we kept up an intermittent fire till midnight on the point which had been broken down. To try to hit patrol working parties, Infantry reported that this stopped the work.
24th - Hebuterne
At 6am. it was quite and misty. Difficult observation practically no shooting till 11am.
At 11.15am.1st Bty fired,7 Shrapnel on K18. a. 84. and 6 H.E. on K17.b.17.
12.5pm. - 3rd Bty------- ----- with 2 rds. At 4.5 pm. 4 77mm fell in Hebuterne and 3rd Bty spotted flash bearing 96° from K 16.1. 2. -.
At 11.15am.1st Bty fired,7 Shrapnel on K18. a. 84. and 6 H.E. on K17.b.17.
At 10.45pm. 2nd and 3rd Batteries fired a test S.O.S. which was fired quickly and successfully. ----- the urgent ----- 8 rounds altogether.
25th - Hebuterne - All quite and very misty all morning and afternoon.
26th - Hebuterne
6am. - It was very clear and owing to a heavy wind --- ----- had cleared the view considerably.
At 9.10am. a German biplane flew back and forth over our lines.
9.40am. - 24 2" H.E. rounds on our trench 27, to which 3rd Bty replied by 4 rounds on K 17.d. 3. 5. The dummy battery near Serre, flashed again and 3rb Bty fired 4 rounds at it. Bombardment of 4th Div trenches with field guns 9.50 to10.15 am.
12.30pm. - 1st Bty fired at working party K 18. 6. 2.6. with effect. 3rd Bty fired 11 rounds in K19. d. 8.4. at 1.30pm.and 4.30pm. About 25 x 77mm scattered between 2nd and 3rd Bty's O. S.
27th - Hebuterne - Wet and misty till 8.30am. and then cleared. 30 x 77mm, on trench K 23. c. - and K 22. d. - at11am. Retaliated by 1st Bty firing 9 rounds on what turned out to be a working party at K17. b.74 and K17. b.8.6. infantry reported good effect. At 11am. the smoke of a train was seen in Puisieux going north. At 12 noon it started raining till 1.50pm. - - - - - - - and returned bombardment till 4pm. from 77 mm guns about 30 rounds in all. Three balloons were up on German side at 2.30 pm. and the light was excellent Bearing 1°, 66° and 110° from K 16.c. 2.7. Some movement of wagons seen in Puisieux and Bucquoy. An English aeroplane made short reconnaissance at 3.20 - 3.4-pm. At 4.30pm. the Light was bad and all balloons descended. The German flash Bty appeared, Nil action.
28th - Hebuterne - Mist and rain. All quite. Cleared at 10am. but light (three words unreadable). Raining afternoon. Bombardment with 77mm 30 rounds. At 7.30pm. a German Trench mortar opened heavy fire on trench 28. 3rd Bty retaliated with 12 rds on support lines reported effective by infantry.
29th - Hebuterne
6 - 8 am. Misty. 9 to10am. Scattered bombardment from 77mm about 20 rounds.
At 11am. 2nd Bty fired 7 rounds on a working party K23.b.9.7. with good effect. Bombardment from 767mm on various points, including 20 rounds at 2nd Bty O.S. at 3pm. light good.
Flash bty still active. At 8pm. carried out bombardment, 2nd Bty fired18 Shrap and 15 H.E. on trenches K17. d.41. to K 24. a. 08. 3rd Bty 19 Shrap and15 H.E. on support trenches K 17.b.32 to K17. d. 41.
3.10 pm. 1st Bty fired16 Shrap and 20 H.E. on trenches K17.c.03. to K17. b.39. 3rd Bty complained of some defective Ammunition.
At 3.15pm. 15 77mm rounds on 2nd Bty O.S. otherwise no retaliation.
30th - Hebuterne
Clear morning. 7.30 to 12 noon, intermittent bombardment with 77mm on various points in our line, about 20 rounds. 5 Balloons were up at 10am.bearings 67°, 14°,10°, 3° and 54° from K16.c.27. Activity of transport and working parties seen from behind German line.
At 9.25 am. a British aeroplane was up seeking a heavy Bty. The enemy fired an AA gun at it. Only machine guns. Train seen in Achiet railway station.
12 Noon. - No 1259 A/Bdr J. M. Phillips of 2nd Bty was severely wounded by 77mm at 2nd Bty O.S. Died at 1.55pm.
1.30 pm. - 1st Bty fired 4 rounds on German observers in trenches K17.b.27. Intermediate bombardment with 77mm.
3.30 pm. - Two British aeroplanes dropped bombs apparently with success on junction on Puisieux - Bucquoy Road.
4pm. - 1st Bty fired 6 rounds at a working party K18. b. 86. 4.30 pm. Balloons finely descended. View clear.
31st - Hebuterne
Quite clear morning.
7.45.am. - 13 rounds 77mm on Hebuterne close to Bde H.Q.
9am. - 3 4.2" shells in same place. 9.22am.1st Bty fired 2 rounds at 2 - - - - - at K 17 b.17.
9.40am. - Rain fell and light became bad.
10.15 am. - 1st Bty fired 11 rounds at ------ as before, also on K18 b. 74. with good effect. 2nd Bty fired 15 rounds on the working parties K4 b. 69. and L19. a.15. who stopped work, bad light.
11.30am. - 1st Bty fired 4 rounds at working party K186.74. 12.25pm.-1 45pm. some intermittent fire from 77mm round about 2nd Bty O.S.
At 2pm.1st Battery fired 6 rounds on to K17. b. - . One of their shrapnel rounds broke up in the bore and peppered our infantry. The fuze fortunately was picked up and shown to be set correctly. Light poor all day.
November 1915
1st - Hebuterne - Beginning of entry unreadable. Mist and rain until 10.30am. Intermittent bombardment on trenches K ----- in front of Hebuterne. - - - - - - - - light bad from 11am. until nightfall.
2nd/3rd - Hebuterne - Unreadable.
4th - Hebuterne
Foggy and quite morning. Clearing occasionally, for a few moments.
At 12 noon the fog lifted. During the afternoon the enemy fired about 50 Rounds at Hebuterne. and 2nd Bty O.P.
Shortly after 3pm. a British Aeroplane carried out a reconnaissance without being fired upon.
4.30pm. - Usual mist until 10am. 10.15-10.45am. bombardment of 2nd Bty O.P. with 77mm and 4.2" about 20 rounds
At 11am. bombardment C was successfully carried out.
5th - Hebuterne
1st Bty - - - fired 20 Shrap and 20 H.E. between K11.d.2.0. and K17.b.0.3.
1st Bty - - - fired 18 Shrap and 10 H.E. between K11.d.4.0. and K17.b.3. 2.
2nd Bty - - fired 10 Shrap and 6 H.E. on K17.d.4.1. to K17. d.7. 2.
2nd Bty - - - fired 5 Shrap and 4 H.E. on K 04.a.0.9.
3rd Bty - - - fired 15 Shrap and 10 H.E. on K17.b.3. 2. to K17.d. 41.
About 35 direct hits were observed. The enemy retaliated with vigour putting25. 77mm and 4.2" into 2nd Bty O.P. and about 40 x 77mm on our trenches in K 23 A.
12.5 pm. - 3rd Bty fired 6 rounds on battery in action at R18.c. 6½.8.
At 1pm. rain obscured the view until when 3rd Bty registered K12.d.40.
6 rounds of 4.2" fell on south side of Hebuterne in retaliation.
9.5pm. - 3rd Bty was called on by Inf and fired 8 rds on night lines.
6th - Hebuterne - Unreadable.
7th - Hebuterne - Unreadable. Heavy fog all day. No firing on either side.
8th - Hebuterne - Unreadable. Thick fog.
9th - Hebuterne - Unreadable.
10th - Hebuterne - Beginning Unreadable. Clear and quite morning. 8.15am.1st Bty fired 4 rounds at working party at K 17.b.18 and stopped there work. A British aeroplane carried out a reconnaissance N.E. returning without being fired upon. 4.10pm. 4-5.9 Hows fell in 2nd Bty.
11th - Hebuterne - Unreadable. Clear and sunny. Quite Morning. Several aeroplanes on both sides ----- 9am.-10am. - A series of heavy explosions was heard N. of Hebuterne.
12th - Hebuterne - Unreadable.
The rest of the month of November,1915 is missing.
December 1915
1st - Hebuterne - Clear enemy appear to be ---- then Fire trench and (R23.2). Several parties seen working on the Serre – Puisieux Road.
2nd - Hebuterne - Light poor all day and heavy rain. Enemy appears to have - - - - in front of trench K 24 B 99 291 during last f Check
3rd - Hebuterne - Observation impossible until 1.25.pm owing to mist. Rearranged bombardment of enemy's carried out at 1.55pm. Retaliation more vigorous than usual - Chiefly in Hebuterne trenches east of Hebuterne.
4th - Hebuterne - 1.55pm. - Bombardment with Rifle Grenades of trenches held by the div on our right. Enemy appear to be - - - various positions of their line.
5th - Hebuterne
2nd Bty fired 150 rds wire cutting at K17.d.2.2 with a detached section. The wire was 22 - 25 yds deep and a lane 10 to 15yds appeared to have been cut. Gun range 1950 yds.
12.30. pm. - 10 large howitzer rounds fell in Hebuterne. The 3rd Bty retaliated on Puisieux and Sailly.18 H.E. and 2 Shrapnel.
At 4.15pm.the enemy bombardment -------- 1st Bty retaliated on Puisieux with 16 rounds.
6th - Hebuterne - All quite and light good. Considerably amount of traffic was seen (Next line illegible)
7th - Hebuterne - A number of field gun shells fell on our trenches during the morning, in the afternoon the 4th Div trenches on our right were bombarded. Rain fell during the afternoon and interfered with observation.
8th - Hebuterne - A bombardment of 77 mm shells on Hebuterne. During the morning and after 4.20pm. Hebuterne, Sailly and Colincamps. (Next line illegible) wire observed. At 4.30pm. ----- retaliation Puisieux with 28 rounds - chiefly shrapnel.
9th - Hebuterne - From 8.10 - 910am. H.E. on Hebuterne, Sailly and Colincamps were heavily bombarded. No flashes were seen owing probably the thick mist.
10th - Hebuterne - During the morning several rounds in neighbourhood of 1st and 3rd Battery positions. At 3.5pm. 22 x 4.2" Howitzer shells in the neighbourhood of La Signy Farm.
11th - Hebuterne - Raining most of the day. All quiet.
12th - Hebuterne - 24 Heavy Howitzer rounds on th west edge of Hebuterne. Light Good. At 12.50pm. the 3rd Bty silenced an Anti-Aircraft Gun at L20 C5.8.
13th - Hebuterne - Four German Biplanes with double fuselage flew over Hebuterne. Light good.
14th - Hebuterne - Intermittent shelling of our communication trenches throughout (rest of line illegible).
15th - Hebuterne
12 o'clock [noon] - Bombardment of Sailly, Hebuterne and 4th Div trenches. We retaliated with 21 Shrapnel and 20 H.E. into Puisieux. and 10 Shrapnel on communication trenches La - - - - - - farm.
At 4pm. about 100 shells into Sailly and 20 into Colincamps.
2nd Lieut. W.R.M. Isaac from 3rd line joined the Brigade.
16th - Hebuterne - Thick Mist all day. Shells were fired at intervals on various important points on the German front lines.
17th/18th - Hebuterne - As 16th
19th - Hebuterne - Clear day Intermittent shelling from both sides during the day.
20th - Hebuterne - Heavy mist all day Intermittent shelling from both sides.
21st/22nd - Hebuterne - As 20th
23rd - Hebuterne - Clear, Enemy hostile Battery action rather more active.
24th - Hebuterne - All Quiet.
25th (Christmas Day) - Hebuterne - Enemy opened fire at 9.55 am with 5 rounds the 1st Bty retaliated.- - - - - - - to - - - - - - - was shown by the enemy who continued shelling all day. At 11.5am - 2pm. 14 rounds fell into Colincamps. At - - - - - -- 77mm into Hebuterne. At 5pm 5 rounds into Sailly (rest of line illegible). Numerous flashes were observed at 8.20am. We retaliated on Puisieux with 18 Shrap and 5 H.E.
26th - Hebuterne - Heavy rain and wind. Observation very good. All quiet.
27th - Hebuterne - Clear (next part of line illegible) both sides active throughout the afternoon.
28th - Hebuterne - Intermittent shelling of our trenches during the day.
29th - Hebuterne - At 12.45am. bombardment of 4th Div trenches by trench mortars and field guns. At 2.20pm. 15 x 77mms into Hebuterne and 12 4.2. The 2nd Bty retaliated with 20 Shrapnel on Serre.
30th - Hebuterne - Heavy mist all day. Intermittent shelling from both sides.
31st - Hebuterne - 12 o'clock [noon] to 1.10pm.prearranged bombardment of German 1st, 2nd and 3rd line trenches, 2nd Bty with detached section fired 100 x Shrapnel, cutting wire at K19? 3.5. The wire was thick and a complete lane was knocked out. The enemy retaliated on our trenches and in neighbourhood of 1st and 3rd Batteries positions. Throughout the Month the 144th Inf Bde were relieved by the 23 Inf Bde. On their Right the 18th Bde [4th Div] (next line illegible). The Germans Welcomed the New year at 11pm. which is mid-night in German time. - - - - - - - fusillade during which the Brigade suffered a casualty of one wounded.
January 1916
1st - Hebuterne - Hostile artillery field guns and Howitzers active in the afternoon. A number of rounds fell into Sailly. About 4pm.
2nd - Hebuterne - All quiet
3rd - Hebuterne - Several parties of Germans seen on the Serre - Puisieux Road and fired at. From 1.30 the enemy heavily bombarded trenches in section H and a portion of section G.
4th - Hebuterne - Misty all day.
5th - Hebuterne - Hostile Artillery inactive. A number of rifle - grenades fired into our trenches from (illegible).
6th - Hebuterne - Heavy mist all day.
7th - Hebuterne - A few rounds fell in Hebuterne at 9.15am. At 1.30pm. 3rd Bty fired 150 rounds at enemies wire. The enemy replied with 40 to 50 rounds on our trenches.
8th - Hebuterne - In the morning about a dozen rounds fell in Hebuterne. We retaliated on Serre. The enemy bombarded Sailly at 12.5pm. at 2.10pm. and from 3 to 3.30 pm. On each occasion we replied on Puisieux. During the afternoon we carried out a prearranged bombardment of the Enemies trenches and in the course of the bombardment a fire north of La Louviere Farm apparently from a rocket or bomb store.
9th - Hebuterne - Quiet day.
10th - Hebuterne - The trenches held by the Division on our right bombarded at 4.30pm.
11th - Hebuterne - Several small parties observed on the Puisieux – Bucqoy Road.
12th - Hebuterne - The enemy apparently constructed a new trench during the night in front of the ----- South of the 16 Poplars, extending north for about 50 yds.
13th - Hebuterne - Increase in hostile Rifle - Grenade fire during the afternoon to which we replied two or three occasions.
14th - Hebuterne - About a dozen rounds fell in Sailly at 3.50pm. we replied with 25 Shrapnel into Puisieux.
15th - Hebuterne - 8 x 77mm shells fell near the 3rd bty position at 12.25pm. During the afternoon we dispersed several working parties on the German 2nd and 3rd lines.
16th - Hebuterne - Intermittent shelling from both side during the day.
17th - Hebuterne - A number of allied aeroplanes (25 - 30) flew west from Puisieux about 10.30 am. Several rounds fell in Hebuterne. During the afternoon we replied by firing --- rds into Serre.
18th - Hebuterne - Several rounds on Hebuterne. During the afternoon we replied on Serre. A - - - Howitzer Shells were fired at the Sailly - Hebuterne Road from1 to 2 pm.
19th - Hebuterne - Intermittent shelling during the day.
20th - Hebuterne - As 19th. We obtained several direct hits on a dug-out in the enemies front line trench K----. The 4th Div trenches were bombarded with 4.2 Howitzers at 9.30 pm.
21st - Hebuterne - 1st Bty dispersed a rifle – Grenade party at 9.45 pm.
22nd - Hebuterne - At 2.30 to 3pm.about 50 field gun shells fired on our trenches in section G and H to bombardment from our own field and heavy guns.
23rd/24th - Hebuterne - Heavy Fog.
25th - Hebuterne - From 2 to 2.30am bombardment of our trenches north of Hebuterne. Several flashes observed. At 11.25am. a number of hostile aeroplanes passed over Hebuterne, Fl---- two being of the double fuselage type.
26th - Hebuterne - Intermittent shelling only.
27th - Hebuterne - 7.20pm. - We received a gas alarm from infantry and a barrage was effected on our line as a precautionary measure. This barrage was subsequently stopped on orders of 48th Div H.Q. as the gas did not materialise.
28th - Hebuterne - Trenches obscured most of the day by mist.
29th - Hebuterne - Several working parties were dispersed during the afternoon.
30th - Hebuterne - At 4.30am. We opened a prearranged barrage at 3 points on the enemy's lines to support infantry enterprise. Bombs were thrown into the enemies trenches. Several working parties dispersed in the afternoon.
31st - Hebuterne - Trenches obscured most of the day by mist. Usual intermittent shelling only. During the month the following honours were given to the Brigade:
Mentioned in Dispatches.
Lt-Col A. M. Balfour.
Major C. W. Todd.
Lt. W. O. Ryan.
Lt. E. L. Gedye.
Granted the Military Cross - Lt. W.O. Ryan.
N.C.O's and men Mentioned in Dispatches.
Corpl Lingard (Bde H.Q.)
A/Bdr Dare (2nd Batt)
Gnr Powell (1st Batt)
Gnr Foote (2nd Batt)
N.C.O's and men granted the D.C.M.
Corpl Lingard.
A/Bdr Dare.
During the whole of the month we supported the 144th Inf Bde relieved by 145th Inf Brigade. On our left, the 143rd Inf Bde supported by 3rd S.M. Bde R.F.A. On our right, the 10th Inf Bde of the 4th Division, supported by the 29th Bde R.F.A.
February 1916
1st to 8th - Hebuterne - Entries Missing.
9th to 13th - Hebuterne - Entered at the end of the month.
12th - Hebuterne - Intermittent shelling during the day.
13th - Hebuterne - As 12th. Enemy's aeroplanes were driven back by our Anti-Aircraft (word or words missing) fighting planes.
14th - Hebuterne - We carried out a pre-arranged bombardment on Gommecourt and La Louviere Farm. The enemy replied on our 1st Battery position.
15th - Hebuterne - Hostile artillery inactive. We dispersed several working parties.
16th - Hebuterne - A screen was started on the Serre - Puisieux Road. Germans were observed bailing out water from their trenches - these men appeared to be old several having grey hair.
17th - Hebuterne - Heavy transport was observed in the direction of Bucquoy. During the night a heavy bombardment was directed on Hebuterne.
18th - Hebuterne - Raining and misty - observation was not possible. All quiet.
Feb 19th - Hebuterne - Enemy bombarded our front line trenches. Raining and misty.
20th - Hebuterne - During the afternoon the enemy fired a few rounds on various parts of our trenches N. of Hebuterne. Observation was difficult.
21st - Hebuterne - All quiet. Situation normal. Hostile lines invisible. All quiet.
22nd - Hebuterne - Snow fell during the afternoon.
23rd - Hebuterne - Snowing Observation impossible, all quiet.
24th - Hebuterne - Situation normal. Further fall of snow.
25th - Hebuterne - Heavy snow fell during the afternoon. Observation impossible. No artillery fire on either side.
26th - Hebuterne - Weather clearing slightly. Little shelling on either side.
27th - Hebuterne - Situation normal. During the night a searchlight was used by the enemy from Serre.
28th - Hebuterne - Situation normal. All quite.
29th - Hebuterne - Enemy's Minenwerfer active during the day. Several working parties dispatched by fire and Minenwerfer was shelled with H.E.
Additional daily information added at end of the month.
9th - Hebuterne - Lt. E. V. Sullivan R.A.M.C., 2nd Lt. F. S. Gedye joined this Brigade. Capt D.E. Finley R.A.M.C. left.
13th - Hebuterne - 2nd/Lt. P. T. Yirrell (sic) and 2nd/Lt. C. F. Hurndall, joined this Brigade.
Dispositions: During the month we supported the 145th Bde on our right and the 12th Inf Bde supported by the 29th Bde R.F.A. On our left 143rd Bde supported by the 3rd S.M. Bde. R.F.A.
March 1916
1st - Hebuterne - Hostile artillery in action. We dispersed 2 working parties. The day was (word illegible).
2nd - Hebuterne - Situation quiet. A few hostile shells were fired at our trenches.
3rd - Hebuterne - Hebuterne was shelled by the enemy, we bombarded their trenches.
4th - Hebuterne - Situation normal.
5th - Hebuterne - A sub-section of each battery took up new positions at Colincamps. All quiet. This Brigade moved to Colincamps, and took over from the 29th - --The 7th West Riding Battery was attached to us temporarily.
6th - Hebuterne - Hostile artillery inactive our batteries requested new zones and improved - -
7th - Hebuterne - During the night the enemy heavily bombarded trenches to the south. - - - - - Aeroplanes were active over our front. Weather fine.
8th - Hebuterne - Intermittent shelling on both sides during the day. Hostile Aeroplanes active
9th - Hebuterne - Minnenwerfers active during the night. Hostile Artillery inactive.
10th - Hebuterne - There was increased shelling on both sides, enemy Minnenwerfers were - - - - on out 2nd battery showed - - - - - to face and observation was disappointing.
11th - Hebuterne - Situation normal. View very obscured owing to mists. Very little ac - - -
12th - Hebuterne - Increased shelling by enemy. A battery was ranged by aeroplane and - - - - our old 3rd Battery position occupied by 3rd Warwick Battery. 4 killed.
13th - Hebuterne - Situation Normal. Weather fine. But misty. Very little shelling during the - - -
14th - Hebuterne - One of our planes was bought down behind Serre in view of our 3rd Battery O.P. we fired to prevent approach of enemy parties. The 60pm [?] also - - - - - smash up - - - - - . Col Balfour visited the wagon lines and Ammo Col. Con't of inquiry was held at H.Q. to investigate account at 2nd Battery - - - - by Premature.
Undated, top right hand corner annotated with 150 rounds fell on our trenches during the afternoon. Weather fair. All quiet. During the afternoon the enemy fired about 100 rounds on our trenches in front of Hebuterne. We replied on their front line trenches.
All quiet. A few rounds were directed on Carrier by the enemy. At 2.30pm we carried out a prearranged bombardment of the enemies 2nd line and communication trenches. The enemy replied feebly with about 20 rounds on the Briguelerie (?).
At 4.30 pm. the enemy shelled Hebuterne and La Signy Farm. We replied on Serre intermittent shelling by the enemy. During the day we dispersed several working parties.
Enemy's artillery more active than usual - shells falling on Carrier and our front trenches. We replied on Serre by request of the infantry.
The enemy shelled Hebuterne with a few rounds of H.E. in reply to our bombardment of La Louviere Farm.
Enemy's artillery still active - shells falling in Hebuterne, Colincamps our trenches and Sailly. We replied by bombarding Puisieux.
Enemy's artillery again active - their attention chiefly directed on our front line trenches.
Sources and Resources
Derek Driscoll's original pages
War Diary of 1st. South Midland (Gloucesterster) Bde. R.F.A.
War Diary of 1st. South Midland (Gloucesterster) Bde. R.F.A.
Other Resources
Egg Buckland or Eggbuckland? - Devon Heritage
Equine Ringworm: What all horse owners need to know - Horse & Hound
Inside Eggbuckland Keep - Plymouth Live
Plans afoot to Transform 19th Century British Fort into Buddhist Temple - Buddhistdoor
Potted History of Eggbuckland - Eggbuckland History Project
Raglan Barracks - Old Devonport
Raglan Barracks, Devonport - Wikipedia
Safe as houses! The last underground fortress built in Britain goes on sale - Daily Mail
What You Should Know About Ringworm - WebMD