266 (GVA) O.P. Bty R.A. (V)
Miscellaneous Photos
A collection of undated or unidentified photos.

Bombardiers Derek J. Driscoll and J Garland at Salisbury Plain or Okehampton
"Get your Hair Cut Driscoll"

25 pounder on SPTA
In the above photo notice the uniforms (no disruptive Ppattern Mmaterial (dpm)). In the centre of this group os B.C Major David Reaburn R.A. (V), that means this photo was taken between 1975 and 1978.

Officers Mess Dinner Night, 1970s
Left to right: Ivor Johns, Garth Davies (Training Officer), Chris Hill, Colin S. Harvey, Nick Eleanor, Mike Catt, R. Tyler, John Allen, Dennis Righton, Pat Sherry, John Muse, Colin Edgar, Norman Webber, and Jeffery Smith.

Sergeant Major Derek Driscoll and Captain Peter Doughty at Brize Norton after returning from Germany

Royal Artillery Association (RAA) members Derek Driscoll, Major Chris Hill, Andy Stevens, and Chris Grimes visit 266 GVA Bty at SPTA in the 1980s

25 pdr in action on SPTA. Second from left is WOII (BSM) Richard Belbin. Richard later left the Battery and became a Major with 37th Regt, Royal Signals, Horfield Barracks.