Major F. S. Gedye MC TD (1894 - 1975)
Francis Stanley Gedye was born in 1894.
World War I Service
Cadet Francis Stanley Gedye, from the Bristol University Contingent, Senior Division Officers Training Corps, was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant on 23 July, 1915 and he joined the 1st South Midland (Gloucestershire) Brigade R.F.A. on 9 February 1916.
Lt. Gedye was mentioned in despatches several times. Such as these occasions:
To Adjt 240th (S. M.) Brigade.
From O.C. A/240 Battery R.F.A.
I beg to record the following for Honours and mentions. Lieutenant FRANCIS STANLEY GEDYE for conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty during the period from July 16th, 1917. to September 20th, 1917.
During this period the battery suffered very heavy casualties including six officers and seven sergeants, and although Lieut Gedye was slightly wounded, he carried on and during the absence of the Acting battery Commander, he took charge of the battery for a fortnight. On two occasions he assisted in extinguishing camouflage on guns which had been set on fire by hostile shelling. Lieut Gedye’s work throughout has been excellent.
And this extract from the Brigade Report to Division 3121 (undated)
Lieut FRANCIS STANLY GEDYE for conspicuous XXXXXXXXX ability and devotion to duty. Recently this officer’s battery suffered heavy casualties – losing six officers and seven sergeants, and tho’ Lieut Gedye himself was wounded slightly, he remained at duty taking command of the battery for a fortnight during the absence of his battery commander. An Excellent officer.
After the above report, Lt. Gedye was recommended by the Brigade C.O. to be awarded the Military Cross which happened on 28 December 1917. The citation was probably after 9 August 1917, when the 'A' battery commander (BC), Major Chester William Todd, DSO, a much loved and respected commander, was killed in action leading the Bristol Gunners during the Battle of Passchendaele.

240 bde officers F. S. Gedye, Prideaux, Fisher, Fowler, and Betts

Lt. F. S. Gedye M.C. R.F.A. (T)
Click for larger image
On Derek Driscoll's pages, this photo was called "F.S._Gedye_and_Canada_3__St_Vito", the horse is probably named Canada 3 and the photo was taken in St. Vito, Italy.

Officers and Sergeants of A Battery, 240 Brigade RFA, Italy 1918. Photo by BSM George Blackman. Imperial War Museums Q 115102
After World War I
Lt. F. S. Gedye MC was promoted to Captain on 25 June 1920.
He wrote "An Outline of the War History of the 240th (1st South Midland: Gloucestershire) Brigade, R.F.A. (T)" which was printed in 1933. A copy of this is held by 266 Bty alone with Major Gedye's Military Cross, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, and Victory Medal.
Captain Gedys played in a role in the Bristol Branch of the Royal Artillery Association after WWI. The Western Daily Press of Monday, 27 November 1933, reported that "There were 191 members of the Bristol and District branch of the Royal Artillery Association present at their annual dinner at the Royal Hotel, on Saturday" and that "Capt. F. S. Gedye, M.C.. proposing ” Our Guests,” said he had received a letter from Col. Waller, at Shoeburyness, saying he wished the branch good luck. The circular sent out to members had met with a gratifying response, and it was hoped to have sub-branches, where the members living in certain districts could meet in their district. He paid a glowing tribute to the work of their indefatigable hon. secretary, Mr [Win.] Phipps." Captain Gedye's also "appealed to the younger serving members to jom the Association for they could give that extra power to help those who were on the rocks."
On 15 August 1945, he relinquished his commission and received the rank of Honorary Major and retired. The London Gazette, issue 37248 of 4 September 1945, noted that "Capt. F. S. GEDYE, M.C. (19959) having exceeded the age limit, relinquishes his commn., 15th Aug. 1945, and is granted the hon. rank of Maj."
On 19 October 1951, he received the Territorial Efficiency Decoration and the 1st Clasp. The London Gazette, issue 39360 of 19 October 1951, noted that "The KING has been graciously pleased to confer the award of the Territorial Efficiency Decoration and the 1st Clasp upon the following officers: — Hon. Maj. F. S. GEDYE, M.C. (19959), retired."
Major F. S. Gedye MC TD died in a Bath nursing home on December 4, 1975, aged 81.

Major F. S. Gedye MC TD obituaries
Evening Post - Saturday, 6 December 1975
Maj F S Gedye
Maj F Stanley Gedye MC TD, has died in a Bath nursing home. He was 81.
Maj Gedye, a bachelor, was the last surviving member of 'A' Battery of the 240th brigade of the Royal Field Artillery.
He served with the battery throughout the First World War in France and Italy and continued when it re-formed as the Royal Artillery 66th brigade.
Maj Gedye, who lived for many years in St. John's road, Clifton, and more recently at Towerhirst, Sneyd Park, was president of the 240th brigade of the Old Comrades' Association.
He was a former chairman of Bristol Playgoers Club.
The funeral takes place on Wednesday at 3 pm at Bath crematorium.
Daily Telegraph - 8 December 1975
GEDYE, - On Dec. 4, 1975. In a Bath nursing home, FRANCIS STANLEY, late of Tower Hurst, Sea Wall's Road, Bristol. Funeral service Haycombe Crematorium, Bath, on Wednesday, Dec. 10, at 3 p.m. Flowers may be sent to Jolleys, funeral directors, Milson Street, Bath.
Western Daily Press
Gedye. On Dec. 4, 1975, in a Bath nursing home, Francis Stanley, late of Tower Hurst, Sea Walls Road, Bristol. Funeral service Haycombe Crematorium, Bath, on Wednesday, Dec. 10 at 3 pm. Flowers may be sent to Jolly's, Funeral Directors, Milson Street, Bath.
Sources and Resources
We would be very grateful for any further information on members of the 1st South Midland Bde RFA/ 240th Bde RFA (TF) from 1908-1919.
Derek Driscoll's original pages
1st South Midland / 240 Bde RFA (TF) Italy War Diary
266 (GVA) Para Bty R.A. (V) - The Battery Silver, Medal's held and History Library
London Gazette Issue 28790 published on the 6 January 1914
London Gazette Issue 29438 published on the 11 January 1916
London Gazette Issue 29438 published on the 11 January 1916
London Gazette Issue 31824 published on the 12 March 1920
London Gazette Issue 31824 published on the 12 March 1920
Officers Mess
Other References
GEDYE (F.S.) An Outline of the War History of the 240th (1st South Midland: Gloucestershire) Brigade, R.F.A. (T). - Turner Donovan Military Books
London Gazette Issue 37248 published on the 4 September 1945
London Gazette Issue 39360 published on the 19 October 1951
Officers and Sergeants of A Battery, 240 Brigade RFA, Italy 1918 - Imperial War Museums
Photo Album of Sydney Thorp, 1917 – 1940, also Newspaper Cuttings 1933-39
Towerhirst - British Listed Buildings
Towerhirst, Seawalls Road, Sneyd Park, Bristol - Flickr, Robert Cutts