Bristol Gunners

266 (GVA) O.P. Bty R.A. (V)
Command Structure

266 Bty Crest In 1971, 266 (Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery) Observation Post Battery was formed as an independent Observation Post unit as a reinforcement unit for the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR) supplying observation post teams. The battery had a four gun troop of 25pdr field guns. In time of war the battery would provide 18 Observation Post Parties to regular army units

266 [GVA] Observation Post Bty R.A. (V) was formed on the 1st April 1971. Commanded by Major Colin S. Harvey T.D., Battery Captain (B.K.) Captain Norman Webber T.D., with four regular soldiers, Captain Keith Dann R.A. as training officer, WOII R. Bryant acted as Administration officer, BQMS B. Durance and Sergeant Roy Tanner was the signals instructor, and a civilian establishment of five, Chief Clerk Mr. Fred Hawkins, typist, mechanic Mr. Ray Ducamp, Limber gunner and a driver were also on the establishment, the Battery office and stores were situated in the main drill hall, it was some time later, that the battery moved into it's own accommodation in the original 1860's gunner building.

Around 1973, the MOD gave us a half Battery of 3 Q.F. 25pdr Field guns and increased the establishment of Observation Parties to 22.

Honorary Colonel

The rank of Honorary Colonel is as it says an honorary rank, all are ex high ranking officers of the army who use their influence and contacts within the army, to the betterment of the unit to which they are attached to. They act as a go between the unit, TAVRA and M.O.D., they also advise the unit on any problems that the unit may have. The role of an Honorary Colonel is to foster 'esprit-de-corps' and support their regiment and its leadership team but without involvement in the daily running of the unit.

2 January 1972 - Colonel Sir Denys Hicks, OBE, TD, DL
5 March 1975 - Major-General R. Keith-Jones, CB, MBE, MC
7 December 1983 - Brigadier Geoffrey William Hutton - He was made Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Avon on 27 May 1989
November 1990 - Major-General John David Whitlock Goodman, CB

266 Bty then joined 100 Regiment R.A. (V) on 1 July 1999, whose Honorary Colonel was Major-General A. S. Ritchie CBE and then Lt. Cololonel Clive Forrest-Wood in July 2008.

Battery Commanders (BC)

1971 - Major Colin S. Harvey M.B.E. T.D. (later awarded Brevet Lt. Colonel)
1975 - Major David C. Raeburn R.A. (V)
1978 - Major Christopher Hill R.A (V)
1981 - Major David R. Bray R.A (now Lt -Colonel)
1984 - Major David G. Griffiths R.A. (V)
1987 - Major Roger G. McKenna R.A.
1989 - Major Peter T. Doughty R.A. (V)
1991 - Major Neil McCabe R.A. (V)
2006 - 2008 - Major A. Rogers M.B.E. T.D. (V)
Major Greg Fairhall R.A. (V), Major B Smith RA and Major T Harvey RA

Battery Captain (BK)

1971-1975 - Captain Norman Webber T.D. (V) - Later promoted to Brevet Major
1975 - Captain Jeffery Smith R.A. (V) T.D.
Captain Phillip Manning R.A. (V)
Captain Nicolas Sparks R.A. (V)
Brandon Smith

Administrative Officers (AO)

From 1976, the post became a Non Regular Permanent Staff (NRPS) post, open to officers who have recently retired from the regular army.

1971 - WOII R. Bryant M.S.M. R.A.
1975 - Major J. D. F. Gannon M.B.E. R.A. (V)
1986 - Captain William Cross R.A. (V). Captain Cross was a regular Lt Col QM. He died in December 2005.
- 2004 - Captain James Taylor R.A. (V)
2004 - Captain John Valentine R.A.(V)

Training Officers (TO)

1972-1986 - WOII Roy Lockyer
1975 - Captain G. R. Davies, R.H.A
Greg Fairhall R.A. (V)

Battery Quartermaster Sergeant (BQMS)

1971 - WOII Brian Durance
1975 - Ron Cain. ex 5th Regt R.A.
Ken Etison
Alan Oakley - retired and took a NRPS appointment with 37th Sig Regt, Horfield
Albert Walton - now a Chealsea Pensioner
WOII Peter Scattergood
2006 - S/Sgt Steve Wakefield

Battery Sergeant Major (BSM)

1971 - WOII R. Bryant
1973 - WOII G. Dewland
1975 - WOII B. Deurance - ex regualr BQMS PSI
1981 - WOII J. Rogerson
1985 - WOII Derek J. Driscoll
1987 - WOII P. Manning - he was later commissioned and became BK
1989 - WOII Richard Belbin - he was later commissioned and transferred to Royal Signals 37 Regt, Horfield
1992 - WOII Roy Lockyer
1993 - WOII Peter Ricketts
1997 - WOII K. Kite
1999 - WOII J. Griffin
2002 - WOII S. Hunt
2004 - WOII N. Cook
2006 - WOII S. May
2008 - WOII I. Gatehouse
2010 - WOII C. Shaw
2015 - WOII M. Corfield MBE
2017 - WOII M. Wilson
2019 - WOII J. Busher
2022 - WOII T. Day

Signals Sergeant (SigS)

Some regular soldiers were posted in for the last 6 months of their service, and there were signals prizes in the Gunners Arms

1971 - WOII Roy Tanner
Mike Taylor
Roy Naylor
1975 - Sgt Norman Halsall - ex 5th Regt R.A.
1986 - Terry Cox
2006 - WOII Gatehouse

Command Post Sergeant (Instructor)

Sergeant Ron Goodwin - Command Post instructor
1975 - Sergeant Dave Wrighton

Motor Transport Sergeant (Instructor)

Sergeant Bob Cotton - ex 5 Regiment R.A.

226 GVA Bty, 1971

226 GVA Bty, 1971, New Zealand Farm Camp
(Click for larger image)


Sources and Resources

Derek Driscoll's original pages

266 (GVA) O.P. Battery R.A. (V)
266 [GVA] O.P. Battery Commanders
266 [GVA] O.P. Battery Captains
266 [GVA] O.P. Battery Administrative Officers
266 [GVA] O.P. Battery Quartmaster Sergeant Majors
266 [GVA] O.P. Battery Sergeant Majors
266 [GVA] O.P. Battery Signals Sgt
266 [GVA] O.P. Battery Command Post / MT Sgt
266 [GVA] Bty R.H.A. [V] 1975 Nominal Roll
Honorary Colonel's of 266th [GVA] Bty R.H.A. [V] 1971 -2006

Other Resources

Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery - Land Forces of Britain, The Empire and Commonwealth
Major-General David Goodman - The Archers, the Goodmans and Associated Families
Major General David Goodman - The Times
Supplement to the London Gazette, 6 May 1975
The National Artillery Association 1863 - 2014