266 (GVA) Bty, 104 Regt R.A. (V)
In 1971, 266 (Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery) Observation Post Battery was formed as an independent Observation Post unit as a reinforcement unit for the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR) supplying observation post teams. In 2017, 266 Bty re-roled back to L118 Light Gun and operates as part of 104 Regiment Royal Artillery
164th Anniversary
On 22 November 1859, the Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery (GVA) was formed, making it's headquarters at the Artillery Ground, Whiteladies Rd. Clifton, Bristol. Over the years the GVA has operated as coastal artillery in the latter half of the 1800s; field artillery during WW1, where GVA gunners fought at the Somme, Passchendaele, and Ypres; anti-air artillery during WW2, where the GVA defended Bristol from Luftwaffe attacks and later was a part of the pivotal invasions of North Africa, Sicily, and Italy; a locating battery in the 1960s using Green Archer radar technologies crucial during the Cold War; an OP battery in support of the British-Army-Of-The-Rhineland; and latterly as a close support regiment in support of the Para and Commando Gunners in conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan.In 2023, the battery celebrated their birthday, holding an open day at the home of the Battery since its beginning, the Artillery Grounds on Whiteladies Road in Bristol. Members of the Battery brought their families and Ex Bty Members to the celebration. Also in attendance was the Deputy Lord Mayor of Bristol, a longtime friend and advocate for 266 (GVA) Battery, as well as the Commanding Officer, Adjutant and many ex-serving members of the Battery. This was an excellent event that wouldn't have been possible without funding from the Royal Artillery Charitable fund, for which everyone is grateful.
The following photos were taken from 104 Regitment's Facebook page.