266 (GVA) O.P. Bty R.A. (V)
Historical Artefacts
In 1971, 266 (Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery) Observation Post Battery was formed as an independent Observation Post unit as a reinforcement unit for the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR) supplying observation post teams. The battery had a four gun troop of 25pdr field guns. In time of war the battery would provide 18 Observation Post Parties to regular army units

12pdr Armstrong Gun, cast in silver, complete with shovel and bucket

266 Bty silver
The battery also has a pair of silver gilt goblets. These were won by Lt. Col. H. B. O. Savile for rifle shooting. They are used by the battery as toast cups for the Loyal Toast on mess dinner nights.
The P.M.C. stands and says Mr. Vice "The Queen our Captain General." Mr. Vice (usually the junior member) stands and all mess members and guests stand. Mr. Vice then gives the toast "The Queen" to which all at table reply "The Queen".
The battery has a 60Pdr Shoeburyness Prize Tankard No.5 and 9.
Major F. S. Gedye M.C. R.F.A. (T), Military Cross, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Bdr Plumbton. 240 Bde R.F.A (T), The Distinguished Conduct Medal, British War Medal, Victory Medal.
The Sword of Major Chester Weston Todd, D.S.O. R.F.A (T), engraved with 1st GVA on blade, with steel scabbard. The battery also has several other swords were given to it overthe years.M
History Books
1st Gloucester Volunteer Artillery R.G.A. scrapbook from the formation of the unit on 22 November 1859, includes photographs and newspaper reports of military and social events.
1st South Midland Brigade R.F.A. (T) 1908-1920, includes WW1 maps, mhoto's etc, written and compiled, from reminiscences of past serving 240th Bde members by Capt. F.S. Gedye M.C. R.F.A. (T). The Sgts mess also has a copy of this book but without the maps.
66th South Midland Brigade (T.F.)
History of the 3rd/5th Survey Regt
76th A.A. Regt (T.A.)
266th (GVA) O.P, Bty R.A. (V)
266th (GVA) Para Bty R.A. (V)
History of the Royal Regiment of Artillery
Photograph Albums
Scrapbooks of newspaper cuttings
3x Scrapbooks containing Brigade orders as printed in the local press. Unfortunately this are not in very good repair.
No 4. Company: Coy Sgt. Major H. J. Warren's Scrapbook, 1898-1904. Company and Brigade Orders
No 3. Gloucestershire Battery: Company and Brigade Orders. From 1901
A Stopwatch cased, as used by the then Adjutant, Capt. Boyce R.A. for timing gundrill [1912-1916]. He returned the watch in the 1970's at a Old Stiffs dinner, Lt. Col Boyce as he was then apologized to the Old Stiffs mess and begged their forgiveness for taking the watch with him when he was posted out from the battery in 1916.
15pdr Shrapnel Shell 1908-1916
18pdr Cartridge case mounted on a brass base used as a gong at table by the ex-members of 240 Bde R.F.A. at their dinners. They would also set an empty place at table for an absent friend.
There is a Commemorative piece in the Gunners Arms which was presented by Bdr C. Grimes. It is three 25 pdr cartridge cases, mounted on a wood and brass plinth engraved with the words and date commemorating the firing of the 21 Gun Royal Salute. It was made to commemorate the 21 Gun Salute the Battery fired on the occasion of HRH Queen Elizabeth II visit to Bristol on 8 August 1977.
The battery also has a barograph...

266 Bty barograph
Sources and Resources
Derek Driscoll's original pages
Battery Silver, Medal's held and History Library
The visit to Bristol on the 8th August, 1977