43rd Division H.Q. R.A. (V)

43rd Division H.Q. R.A. (V)
The photo above pictures Sgt R. Colman, Major C. S. Harvey, Lt J. Meghan, and S/Sgt Ray Ducamp
The above photo and information was all that was on Derek Driscoll's origianl page. The 43rd (Wessex) Infantry Division was an infantry division of Britain's Territorial Army (TA). The division was first formed in 1908, as the Wessex Division. During the First World War, it was broken-up and never served as a complete formation. It was reformed in the TA in 1920, and then served in the campaign in North West Europe from June 1944 until May 1945, during the Second World War. The division suffered heavy casualties and gained an excellent reputation. After the Second World War, the division formed part of the postwar TA, and became the 43rd (Wessex) Division/District in 1961. It was finally disbanded in 1967.
Sources and Resources
Derek Driscoll's original pages
Other Resources
43rd (Wessex) Infantry Division - Wikipedia