Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery 1900 - 1908
Many of the records of the artillery of Bristol were lost or destroyed during World War 1. The work of collecting and compiling the records of the unit from its formation carried out in the 1931 by Serjeant Major, Instructor In Gunnery, Brigade Regimental Serjeant Major, F. Healy from the official war diaries filed in the record office and from notes news cuttings and publications. Major J. Smith RA (V) MBE TD wrote the article "The Bristol Gunner Tradition." Derek Driscoll put both articles on his "The Bristol Gunner" website and this page is based on that.
As Major Smith wrote, "Regrettably a comprehensive history of the Volunteer Artillery Movement in Bristol has yet to be written. The task of unraveling the kaleidoscope of amalgamations that went to produce the ancestry of the present Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery unit needs more investigation to make it complete. The following is intended as a starting point for further research in the future."
20th Century
1900 - The strength of the Brigade at this time was 1,020 all ranks - 1,003 of this number being qualified as efficient. During this year a number of the Brigade transferred to the Imperial Yeomanry and other units for active service in South Africa and the Boer War. The Times newspaper of 5 January 1900 reported that Colonel Ord reported that 9 officers and 220 other ranks had signed to take active service at the front. These men joined the Imperial Yeomanry at Bath as the Army had enough Artillery there and were sent to South Africa. Major Weston Stevens O.C. No. 1 Company retired. The Brigade camped at Staddon Heights Plymouth.
Once again in response to petitions to Parliament and the Admiralty concerning the defenceless state of the Bristol Channel the battery at Portishead was re-constructed in 1901. It was located on Portishead Point facing north-west and was specifically intended for the defence of the Bristol Channel leading to the docks at Portishead, Avonmouth and Bristol.
1901 - Captain and Hon. Major K. F. S. Metford were awarded the Volunteer Long Service decoration. The annual camp was held at Staddon Heights, Plymouth and practice was carried out from Bovisand and Crownhill. Ideal weather was experienced for the first part of the week but a lot of heavy rain fell during the remainder of the period. At this period trained men had to complete 6 drills and recruits 15 drills before camp.
1902 - Under a special army order dated 15 January 1902, The official designation of the Corps became 1st. Gloucestershire R.G.A. (Volunteers). Colonel H. B. O. Savile, V.D., honorary Colonel, was appointed to be Companion of the Order of the Bath. No. 1. to No. 6. Coy's, paraded for Coronation celebrations, one officer (Captain Worth), one Sergeant, and eight men attended the Coronation parade in London of H.M. King Edward. The men received 1 x Silver Medal for the Senior officer on parade and 1 x Bronze Medal for the senior NCO on parade. At this period trained men had to complete 15 drills before camp, recruits had to complete 45 of which 20 had to be completed before camp.
The following appeared in a newspaper of 5 July 1902, concerning an 16pdr artillery competition:
The skill-at-arms competition took place at Portishead on Saturday, the 6th inst., under the most favourable conditions, and in consequence some very good shooting was witnessed.
There were seven batteries entered, and the competition, as usual, was a very keen one. The fire discipline, drill, and shooting were very good throughout, more especially the shooting of the winning battery. No. 1 company who succeeded in winning the first-class badges for the second time in succession. The umpires were Colonel F. C. Ord, V.D., commanding the corps, and Captain W. H. Holdsworth Hunt R.G.A. The Rev. Canon J. G. Alford being timekeeper.
The other officers present were Majors J. Worth, W. H. Wise, W. C. Swayne, Captains T. Spencer, A. Ogilvy, P. L. Forte, S. R. Lysaght, and Surgeon-Captain R. G. P. Lansdown, M.D., Lieutenants C. W. Todd, R. L. Austin, J. F. Spencer, Surgeon-Lieutenant G. S. J. Boyd, and the Rev. E. M. Lance, M.A.
Company | Battery Commander | Section Commanders | Points for Fire |
1 | Major W. C. Swayne | C.S.M. F Parnell and Sgt. S. H. Balkwill | 95 110 103 1st |
2 | Major W. H. Wise | Lieut. C. W. Todd and C.S.M. W. Barber | 97 40 137 2nd |
4 | Capt. F. L. Forte | C.S.M. H. J. H. J. Warrer and Sgt. W. J. Hewett | 91 40 135 3rd |
6 | Major J. Worth | Sgt. H. T. Plum and Sgt. W. H. Birch | 92 20 112 |
6 | C.S.M. A. C. Paul | Sgt. I. P. Jenkins and Sgt. H. Glasson | 80 20 108 |
3 | Captain A. Ogilvy | Lieut. R. L. Austin and C.S.M. A. E. Anderson | 84 20 104 |
5 | C.S.M. F. Holton | Sgt. W. E. Knighton and Sgt. G. Jeffery | 80 10 100 |
1903 - Two 4.7"guns were supplied to the Brigade. Major Wise and C.S.M. Plum awarded Volunteer Long Service Medal.
5 May 1903 - Captain (D.O.) L. Hegarty, R.G.A. was appointed Adjutant, vice captain W.H. Houldsworth Hunt R.G.A.
31 May 1903 - The Brigade camped at Staddon Heights on the 31 May to 6 June.
C.S.M. J.H. Warren, Gunners Lawrence and Ware, awarded Volunteer Long Service Medal
The periodical publication "Broad Arrow" printed very complimentary references to the efficiency of the Brigade and the system of drills in use for 40 years i.e. twice daily 7:15 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. (except Saturday evenings and Sundays) for six consecutive weeks, commencing on the first Thursday after Easter, followed immediately by annual camp.
Captain K.F.S. Metford promoted Major.
Lieutenant H. W. B. Savile joined from 2nd. East Yorks. (Volunteers),
H. White-Smith promoted to 2nd Lieutenant.
By now the 1st Gloucestershire Artillery Volunteers had expanded and in 1904, the H.Q. of No. 13 battery moved from Bedminster to Gloucester.
1904 - Captain W. H. B. Savile commanded No. 4 Coy. vice Captain Forte.
Captain Forte presented a challenge cup for gun drill for all ranks below that of Sergeant.
Sergeant Light, Bombardier Rice and Gunner Cromwell awarded the Volunteer Long Service Medal.
Major Worth retired.
1905- The Brigade camped and carried out their annual practice at Plymouth for this year.
1906 - The Brigade camped and practice at Staddon Heights, Plymouth. Practice carried out with 5 inch and 6 inch B.L. Howitzers.
On 5 June 1906, During practice with the 6 inch 26 cwt Howitzers a premature in the bore occurred with a Lyddite Shell. The piece was completely separated into two parts and the carriage demolished, the wheel of the neighbouring gun was also destroyed. The detachment escaped without serious injuries. The premature was caused by sensitive lead pricrates formed in the shell.

GVA gun accident 1906
Picric acid is an explosive that had been used since 1830 and by 1870 most militaries were using it. In 1891, a chemist named James Dewar, who was working at the Royal Arsenal in Woolwich, England, discovered that adding castor oil to picric acid made it more stable and less sensitive to shock. The resulting explosive material named "Lyddite" after the town of Lydd in Kent, England, where it was first manufactured.
Sometimes extremely unstable explosive metallic salts such as lead picrates could form in the shell causing premature explosions such as the one that destroyed the 6 inch 26 cwt Howitzers gun of the Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery at Staddon Heights, Plymouth on 5 June 1906.
The following article appeared in "Bay of Plenty Times", Volume XXIV, Issue 3940, 20 December 1899:

The Dreaded Lyditte Shell, 1899
The articles says:
The name of this terrible explosive by far the most deadly known is derived from the name of the place, Lydd, a town in Kent, where the trials of its powers were first made. The secret of its manufacture is entirely in the hands of the British Government at present. It is fused picric acid and has been given to the world by that mine of chemical wealth, coal tar. The principal ingredient of coal tar is carbolic acid, this, treated by nitric acid, gives us picric acid, a terribly explosive substance. The powers of picric acid had been known for years, but difficulties of handling prevented its use until the discoverers of lyddite solved the problem by fusing it, and thus increasing its power tenfold.
Burnt openly, lyddite vanishes quickly, with a bright flame, but no explosion. It is only when confined and exploded by detonation that its destructive power are exhibited.
Hitherto, it has been best known as used in shells fired from howitzers. When the shell is fired and arrives at its destination the lyddite explodes, with an action so violent as to destroy the adjacent objects more thoroughly and for a larger area ground than any other explosive known, weight for weight. So terrible are its effects that during the trials at Lydd no person wag allowed within 800 yards from the point at which the shell was to burst.
Within 400 yards so violent were the vibrations produced by the explosions of a large shell that masses of masonry were reduced to dust.
It was first used in actual warfare at Omdurman [Sudan, 2 September 1898]. Engineering, of December, 1898, says:- "Artillery officers who used the Howitzers at Omdurman have sent in their reports on the Lyddite shell.
As an explosive it does not seem to answer go well as was expected in destroying buildings. According to the Naval and Military Record, it failed to demolish the Mahdi's tomb, though several Lyddites went through the cupola and exploded within. But in the destruction of life the Lyddite shell is terrific. It kills all around it. Horses and men within a large area simply drop down as though the angel of death had passed over the field when the shells burst. Report says that 30 per cent. of the enemy found dead through artillery fire showed no signs of wounds. They had been killed by the air concussion of the explosive. The shell was not expected to be so deadly in its effect, though better results wore anticipated in demolishing buildings and fortifications.
In mountain warfare the Lyddite shell would be invaluable. There would not have been such a sacrifice of life on the British Bide at Darghai had the howitzers been used in the North-west Frontier war."
In his account of the battle of Omdurman, the correspondent of the Daily News said:- "The howitzers from the opposite shore threw in two days 416 she11s into Omdurman. Neufeld tells a terrible story of the effect of the Lyddite shells. He says that 118 men were assembled in an iron mosque beside the Mahdi's tomb. A Lyddite shell fell among them, leaving only 12 alive." The Times correspondent, Colonel Rhodes, wrote:- "The city teems with gruesome scenes, the results of the bombardment and of dervish excesses. At one place lay the mangled remains of two mounted men and 10 footmen, who had evidently been killed by the explosion of a Lyddite shell."
1906 - Four 16pounder R.M.L. guns on the field carriages were issued.
In 1907, the Brigade consisted of 13 batteries, the batteries being distributed as follows:-
Batteries Nos. 1 to 6 at Clifton
Battery No. 7 at Newham
Battery No. 8 at Gloucester
Battery No. 9 at Clevedon
Battery No. 10 at Portishead with a detachment at Bedminster
Batteries Nos. 11 and 12 at Weston-Super-Mare
Battery No. 13 at Bedminster with their H.Q. in Gloucester
1907 - The Brigade camped and practice at Staddon Heights, Plymouth with 15 pounder and 4.7 inch guns.
Captain Wise was promoted Major. The following W. O.'s and N.C.O's on retirement were granted permission to retain their rank and wear the prescribed uniform. Band St., Major Jeffery. C.S.M. H. J. Warren. C.S.M. Ashfield. Sergeant W. J. Hewitt.
His Majesty the King conferred the honour of C.B. on Colonel Ord.

1 GVA RGA arrive at Staddon Camp, 20 May 1907
Starting in 1906, the Secretary of State for War, Richard Haldane's Reforms were designed to better prepare the armed forces for future wars and involved a reorganization of the regular, volunteer and militia forces. The Territorial and Reserve Forces Act of 1907 saw the formation of the Territorial Force which consisted of fourteen infantry divisions, fourteen cavalry brigades, and a large number of support units including fully established divisions, provided with field artillery, companies of engineers and crucial supply services, including medical provision. The GVA became part of the Territorial Force, an army tasked with the defence of the UK, and came under the control of the War Office.
The volunteer forces were reformed into a Territorial Force (TF) which had its own organisation and was tasked with the defence of the UK homeland. The TF was organised into divisions that were structured in the same way as the Regular Army, but which were based on geographical regions and soldiers were committed only to home service, that is, were not required to serve overseas except by voluntarily agreeing to do so.
Under Haldene's Reforms, the units became the 2nd South Midland (Gloucestershire) Brigade, Royal Field Artillery (RFA), but this was changed in 1910 to 1st South Midland (Gloucestershire) Brigade, RFA. It formed part of the South Midland Division of the TF, with the following organisation (each battery consisted of four 15-pounder guns):
HQ: Artillery Grounds, Clifton
1st Gloucestershire Battery, Artillery Grounds, Clifton
2nd Gloucestershire Battery, Artillery Grounds, Clifton
3rd Gloucestershire Battery, Barracks, Gloucester
1st South Midland Ammunition Column, Clifton
The GVA was transferred from the Royal Garrison Artillery (RGA) to become part of the Royal Field Artillery (RFA). This meant that coastal defences such as those at Avonmouth and Portishead were manned by the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve until 1914 when the Portishead battery was dismantled and the stores and ammunition removed.

Gloucestershire Territorials Royal Field Artillery white metal shoulder title shoulder title
Also under the Act, the 1st and 2nd Gloucestershire (City of Bristol) Rifle Volunteers became part of the 4th Battalion of the Gloucester Regiment (T), and served as such during the First World War. It was reformed in 1920 and served as an infantry battalion until 1938 when it was re-badged as the 66th Searchlight Regiment RA (TA). After service during the 2nd World War it change it's role and became the 601st (City of Bristol) Heavy Anti Aircraft (Mixed) Regiment RA (TA) in 1947.
The Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery became the 1st (South Midland) Brigade RFA (T) on 1 April 1908. During the reorganization, the six batteries in Clifton were reformed into 2, with a third in Gloucester. An ammunition column was raised with the surplus officers, NCO's and men in the proportion of 2/3rds at Bristol and 1/3rd at Gloucester.
28 February 1908 - The Corps held a ball at the Victoria Rooms.
31 March 1908 - The Volunteer Force ceased to exist as such and the Territorial Force was established by the Right Honorable R. B. Haldane, Minister for War. Under this scheme, members were to be attested and enlisted for four years and the period for camp increased to 15 Days. The territorial Force was organised in 14 divisions modelled on the lines of a division of the regular army. The Brigade became part of the 7th. District known as the South Midland, which embraced Warwickshire, Gloucestershire, Worcestershire, Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Berkshire.
The total number of troops in the division to be 825 officers, and 20,163 men under the command of Brigadier General H. A. Raitt, C.B. with headquarters at Warwick
On the night of the 31st the volunteer officers held a dinner at the Imperial Hotel, Clifton, and the combined P. O's and Sgts held a dinner at the St Stephen's restaurant, Baldwin Street, to commemorate the termination of the volunteer Force.
During the dinner (at which the Last Post and Reveille were sounded) the Sergeants sent a telegram of greetings to the officers, Colonel Ord in replying expressed a wish to meet them all again in the Territorial Force. All ranks of the Bristol and Gloucester companies enlisted.
"H" Battery R.H.A. visited Gloucester and gave a demonstration to arouse interest. They were entertained by the Mayor in the Guild Hall.

Imperial Hotel, Clifton, Bristol, 1908
Image: Bristol Archives
The Brigade became known as the 1st South Midland Brigade R.F.A. consisting of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd batteries and an Ammunition Column. At first the Brigade was designated 2nd (S.M.) Brigade and the Birmingham Brigade 1st (S.M.) Brigade. R. F. A., this was changed in accordance with the Brigade's seniority.
The new units were made up as follows:-
The 1st Battery
Commanded by Captain (Hon. Major) W. C. Swanye.
No 1. Coy: became number one section.
No 2. Coy: became number two section.
No 4. Coy: became number three section.
The 2nd Battery
Commanded by Major W. H. Wise.
No 3. Coy: became number one section.
No 5. Coy: became number two section.
No 6. Coy: became number three section.
The 3rd Battery
Commanded by Major (Hon. Lt. Colonel). K. F. S. Metford.
No 8. Coy: became No's 1, 2, and 3 sections.
No 13 Coy: became No's 1, 2, and 3 sections.
Ammunition Column
The Ammunition Column under the command of Captain C. N. Todd was formed from surplus officers, N.C.O's. and men in the proportion two thirds, Bristol and have Gloucester. No's 7, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Coy's were disbanded on the 31 March 1908, some members living within the Bristol boundaries were previously transferred to the Bristol companies.
Colonel Ord was appointed to the command of the Brigade with Lt. Col. (Hon: Col.) A. H. Hobbs V.D. as second in command. Battery commanders were appointed as above and other officers posted as follows:-
1st Battery | 2nd Battery | 3rd Battery |
Captain R. D. Austin | Captain C. W. Todd | Captain W. H. Grosvenor |
Captain H. White-Smith | Captain A. C. St Paul | Captain F. H. Hole |
Lieutenant G. F. Lefroy | Captain V. A. Hillman | 2nd Lieutenant R. P. P. Lefroy |
2nd Lieutenant B. J. James | 2nd Lieutenant E. D. Burbridge | 2nd Lieutenant E. R. Williams |
2nd Lieutenant J. R. Chards | 2nd Lieutenant C. K. Cowline | 2nd Lieutenant G. Hartland Bowden |
2nd Lieutenant L. H. Abell | 2nd Lieutenant H. G. W. Prideaux | 2nd Lieutenant C. F. H. Priday |
2nd Lieutenant K. E. Aitkin |
Captain C. W. Waycott R.F.A. was appointed Adjutant vice Captain Hegarty. R.G.A. in July.
The Brigade was equipped with 15 pdr B.L.C. Guns (four per battery) with the necessary harness and equipment. A large portion of drills was devoted to riding, driving drill and manoeuvres.
Riding classes were held at the Clifton Riding School.
The Brigade camped at Staddon Heights, Plymouth for eight days in June and practised with 15 pounder field guns and 4.7 inch guns.
The following photos were taken at the camp in June 1908:

GVA 5th Signals Group?

GVA tents at Staddon Camp, June 1908

GVA tents at Staddon Camp, June 1908
Capt. (Hon. Major.) C. S. Paul. resigned with permission to retain his rank and wear the prescribed uniform.
31 March 1908 - The following officers resigned Captain A. J. Mawer, Captain W. A. B. Savile, Captain W. J. W. Dickman, and Surgeon Captain A. Ogilvy. M.D.
1 April 1908 - Surgeon Captains W. J. Hill and J.R. Bibby. M.B. posted to the Brigade.
9 June 1908, the Brigade furnished a guard of honour and fired the Royal Salute on the visit of H. M. King Edward VII and took part in a tournament.
The silver gun Trophy hitherto awarded for Carbine shooting was awarded to the best all round battery.
Sergeant M. G. V. P. Wills commissioned 2/nd Lt. he would later become Sir Vernon G. P. Wills.
August 1908 - Gold braid and badges substituted for the Volunteer Silver pattern badges August 1908.
Surgeon Lieutenant Colonel (Hon: Surg. Col.) J. S. Carlton resigned with permission to retain his rank and wear the prescribed uniform.
23 November 1908 - Captain W. W. Grosvenor resigned his commission
Sources and Resources
Derek Driscoll's original pages
Fund raising for the H.Q. Building and Drill Hall
Historical-Records-1859-1914 (PDF, 3.64Mb)
Historical Records of 66th (South Midland) Field Brigade R.A. (T.A.)
Historical Records of 66th (South Midland) Field Brigade R.A. (T.A.)
Photo / Postcards Album
The Bristol Gunner Tradition by Major J. Smith RA (V) MBE TD
The Bristol Gunner Tradition (Image) by Major J. Smith RA (V) MBE TD
The Bristol Gunners - History
The Times
Derek Driscoll's References
Derek made use of several sites while creating his, the main ones were:
British Artillery
The Long, Long Trail
Other Resources
A military history of Bristol during the Revolutionary War 1793-1802 - John Penny, Fishponds Local History Society
Arrowsmith's Dictionary of Bristol 1884 - edited by H. J. Spear and J. W. Arrowsmith
Clifton and Durdham Downs: A Place of Public Resort and Recreation by Gerry Nichols, Bristol Branch of the Historical Association, 2006
Gloucestershire Volunteer Artillery - by Wienand Drenth, T. F. Mills
Gloucestershire Volunteers 1795-1815 - Brigadier H. Bullock, Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research , June, 1960, Vol. 38, No. 154 (June, 1960), pp. 76-82
Imperial Hotel Clifton, 24th Apr 1908 - Bristol Archives
Invalid Battalion, Royal Artillery - Steve Brown
Lead picrate - Wikipedia
Modern Munitions of War - Nature, July 29, 1915
National Artillery Association
Picric acid - Wikipedia
Rough Notes on the Portishead & Avonmouth Coastal Gun Batteries 1643 to 1945 - Flying Fox Association
Shell (projectile) - Wikipedia
The Dreaded Lyditte Shell - Bay of Plenty Times, Volume XXIV, Issue 3940, 20 December 1899, Page 2
The Volunteer Artillery 1859-1908 by Norman Litchfield and Ray Westlake, Sherwood Press
Volunteer Force - Wikipedia